• Be optimistic.. maybe they are planning a surprise for you.. =)
  • I would ask them if I did something to offend them and why they dont seem to want me around.
  • Do you pay your own way and not mootch off from anyone? Are you a constant complainer? Do you find yourself expecting people to have everything ready for you? Do you get drunk and get out of control? If you are any of the ways I have described that would be a reason they don't invite you anywhere. I have friends who are like some or all of what I have stated above and to be honest - no one wants someone around that they have to 'carry' (no money, no car, never pitches in for anything etc.). If you are not any of the above I would ask them "Why don't you guys ever bother to call me when you're planning camping trips or going out to parties?" If they don't have a good answer drop them friends and find new ones. They may be into drugs that you are unaware of and don't want you to 'ruin' their high. You should be included by good friends not seasonal ones.
  • You are not alone. I have been feeling this way too. It's seems like all my friends are making plans right in front of me but they never invite me anywhere. They do talk to me like there are not upset. I dont' know what's going on either. I am bored nearly all the time. When I invite them place they tell me 'maybe' it's like they are waiting to see what is better that will come along first. It really been depressing me. I love my friends and would do anything for them. But it's so one sided. I really feel like I do not have a single "true" friend.
  • Theres a friend that it seems to happen to in our group, in essence its because he doesnt make himself known. Dont be quiet or shy, make jokes and always have an input to a conversation, rather than being an observer. Also, ask if you can go! Im sure they'll invite you along. Or, you could try organising the events, dont wait for them to invite you to the movies, invite them. Maybe they'll return the favour as well.
  • Did it used to be that you turned down their prior invitations, so they figured there was no point in inviting you anymore?

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