• Some men are looking for security vs. love. The question is, which means more to them.
  • Why does anyone settle? Man or woman? Any marriage can work, its a decision. Someone decides they can settle for what they have, end of story. Its not up to us to make their decisions for them. What is love exactly? Who knows, some think its flowers every day or just on valentines.. some think you have to say it five times a day, some think its a punch in the face. Love is what we think it is but is it really??? For me, its a decision. I decide if I want to be with a person, I decide how much effort I am going to invest, how much of my emotion I am willing to lay out there and decided if I will stay when they disappoint me. Of course there are phsyical aspects and I decide that too. If I decide I dont love someone I must have reasons. I believe in freedom in a relationship, meaning, not the freedom to cheat, the freedom to be in individual, not have to be in the relationship, but want to be. If someone is unhappy in a relationship they need to look at what exactly makes them happy, should it be a relationship that makes them happy or perhaps they should figure out who they are and be happy with themselves first before they even get in a relationship. If the relationship with another person causes their unhappiness, then they need to decide for themselves to get out.

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