• If you're over 18 move out?
  • Crap on his pillow, and wipe with his blankets. Step up this bodily fluid conflict. :)
  • Ye ought to seperate the incidents and live the same story based on telling everything to a mom who assumed not to be engaged talking anyone!
  • humiliate him in front of his friends
  • Next time kick him where it hurts and spit on his face while he's on the floor. See how he like that. XD
  • your mom was wrong for doing that. just because you interupted her while she was talking does not mean she show physical violence to you. write her a letter explaining how you feel and how your brother bothers you and suggest things that would make your life a little easier. writing it down will help you feel a bit better about things and people take in information better when they have to sit and read it rather than just nodding and not really listening. i hope this helps.
  • be as mean to him as he is to you. my sister used to do stuff like that to me and i could never stop her becasue i was always too nice. If i knew what i know now, i would have thrown all of her childish antics right back at her.
  • If I were in your shoes, I would write her a letter or note and explain your feelings about what happened. Write it with lots of love and respect. Sometimes I lose it and am unfair with my kids especially if they interrupt me on the phone :) They often write me a little note and leave it on my night table or on the fridge. Then when I am more settled, I sit down and read the note when I am calmer. Then we have a wonderful talk, often I apologize, and we hug and often pray.
  • i learned that to snitch on each other just gets you both in trouble... get him back twice as bad...
  • get him back, frame him for something. get revenge. but i like the idea above which says write a letter, try that then if that fails, revenge is the way to go!
  • spit right back at him or punch him. you guys are siblings so you're allowed to fight lol.

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