• It depends on the laws in your state.
  • WANTING to is just fine. Actually doing it could be very illegal depending on where you are at. Furthermore, I would examine exactly why it is you want to date this guy.,Some young women pursue older men because they lack meaningful relationships with their fathers.
  • personally if you were my daughter id let you if i liked the guy:),but it depends on the laws in your state that hole Stactutory rape thing
  • I am having the same problem I'm a 16 wanted to date a 20 year old but everyone is talking about it at our jobs. I don't want him to go to jail. I just love him to much to let him go. please help us.
  • Besides the legal restrictions, the bad part about the age difference is not the number of years, it's the difference in the maturity of decisions. At 16, you have your own perceived wants that look attractive in a 20-year old, and him being 20 probably has one major thing on his mind - and that is where the legalities come into play. No dating yet. Stay friends for a while and see if you both feel the same way then.

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