• Certainly, if she is'nt in to you, all you have to lose is a relationship that's causing problems and worrying in the first place.
  • I'd say asking her out is the best way to find out whether she likes you "that way".
  • I completely agree with likeanikon. By asking her, it'll show her you have courage and you're interested in her. The upsides are greater than the potential downsides. Being in the dark is worse than knowing the truth in this matter, I think.
  • I once heard (from someone who liked me- i basically turned him down) "Better to have loved and failed than to not have loved at all" I think that's how it goes
  • ask your friend to ask her what she thinks of you.....that could backfire.....just approach her when shes alone...ive done that before
  • flirt something serious with her and if she returns it, let her know that you like her and see what she says!then take it from there!xxxgood luck
  • Don't take too long or you will soon be a turn off women can only wait sooo long you know. Find something you could do this weekend and say "what are your plans for the weekend." If it's sounds like she's open (haha that sounds funny) then say (whatever you found to do)is happening (whatever day) would you like to go??? Shy guys are cool but not really shy guys they get annoying quick!! COME ON GET OUT OF YOUR SHELL AND GET HER!!!!!!! :) GOOD LUCK I'M SURE YOU TWO WILL BE A COUPLE VERY SOON!!!!
  • If you're not totally comfortable asking her on a date, you can ask her to lunch for a short day date. Either way, you'll need to work up the courage. Seomtimes shyness can read to someone else as not being interested. If you're 80 percent sure, you're almost there--go for it! “What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”--Vincent Van Gogh
  • The thing is, i am 14
  • Just go for it, ask her out, woman love a guy that's confident. Throw yourself out there and real in the rewards.
  • Being a girl, that got asked out and denied it , would appretiacte it if you would watch yourself. Dont become a bug. Dont keeping asking and asking over and over again because then she'll just hate you more then ever and tell all her friends that your a stocker and a whole bunch of other junk that you do not want on your record. Ask once than ask again but make it special and must be weeks apart from the first time you asked.
  • Just say hi, yadda yadda, wanna go get a bite to eat after school/whatever.
  • Just greet her and the way she responds will let you know a little on how she feels. Don't give up with the first try some times its the second time that is the charm. The first one just makes her intrigued to find out more about you if she did not already know you.
  • Yes. What are you waiting for? We live only once make the most out of it.
  • No. Honestly, if you were mature enough for a relationship you wouldn't be asking this.
  • No don't ask her out. If you do she could say no! If you don't you can always kick yourself because you feel she would have. Hahahaha i'm kidding man, Ask all she can do is say yes or no.
  • Up to you dude. Rest assured, if you don't someone else will, sometime, somewhere, maybe sooner rather than later.
  • Yeah what are u waitting for? Just ask her u will never know the answer until u ask.
  • Yes you should. =)
  • yes if not you will be mad at yourself.
  • Asking this question makes me understand that you're perhaps afraid of being rejected. Just ask yourself this, can you live with yourself knowing that she would have said yes, even though u didn't ask. That's the only question you need to be asking. Much like, THE christmas TROLL put it, lol.
  • If she is a nice girl and you like her, sure. Grab the chance with both hands
  • Yes you should ask her out. If you don't how would you know if she is the one for you? (sak)
  • you should talk to her and get to know hr better before you ask anything that is the best way to win her heart also be your self so she sees the real you
  • Ask her. If she does like you, she will be happy. Otherwise a leat she will know... good luck! : )
  • It depends where you are going!
  • Well, you gotta see if she is ready to move on. If you move too quickly, she might start comparing you to her last, and you wouldn't want that. Trust me, it happened to me. Just talk to her about it and ask her if she's still getting over it.
  • i think that you should just go ahead and ask her out .....whats the wort that can happen ,she saying no
  • try and get her to like you
  • You could pass her a note that says, " Do you like me? Check YES or NO"
  • When you have an opportunity just say, "Hey I wanted to tell you that I really like you." Her reaction will either be: "Oh I think you're great but I dont like you like that" Or, "Yea? I really like you too." It really is simple don't worry about it :)
  • The best approach, is to just ask her yourself..Don't have your friends do it for you, you'll just look life a jerk.. GO ahead an ASK her tomorrow. Report back, good luck to you:)
  • Moment you get eye contact look quickly at her feet, if her toes are raised she prob likes you(there actually scientific data to back this up), if she flatters her eyelashes faster than normal at you
  • ask her out on a date. if she likes you, she'll probably say yes.
  • ask her if she wants to go to a movie, and if you dont get the response you want, as friends on the end...
  • "im interested in you, would you like to go out sometime?
  • if she puts her hand on your arm or your hand, or anywhere on your body, she likes you.
  • get your mates to go bowling or to the movies or something and see if she wants to come along
  • Say "Do you hate me?" Would also make for a funny ice breaker.
  • Ask her out to dinner a real dinner not a fast food place. If she accepts then she likes you, most girls won't except an invitation if they have no interest in you.
  • grab the bull by the horns, mate. what have you got to lose? put it this way: in a year, if youve done nothing, what will you feel? empty. thats why i urge you to do it, and make up for mistakes other people 9including me0 have made
  • You should talk to the girl yourself. If you guys do not feel comfortable in person then thats not good.

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