• Did you see "I Am Legend"? In the back ground you can see a few things which since the story takes place in 2012 with the breakout of the virus in 2009 (around this time) signs on gas stations, bill boards reflect what Hollywood thinks 2009 will be like. Gasoline was priced at $9.23 or something like that a gallon. The price of gasoline next year depends on what happens between now and then. IF oil is found locally and is readily pumped, prices MAY go down. If the dollar suddenly gains strength, prices MAY go down. If things continue as is then there may be an increase as much as a dollar - say $5.12 a gallon next year. IF the hurricane season in the Gulf takes out the refineries and oil platforms - the price could sky rocket to 6 or 7 dollars. And if on top of that hurricane season war breaks out with Iran - the price could double, or more. There is a lot of 'ifs' in there. The most likely scenerio is that gasoline will climb another dollar (at most) in the coming year.
  • An arm and a leg?

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