• Eata Bita Pi
  • One that values community service above all else. At my university, it was Sigma Nu.
  • The human race. All others are too small and divisive.
  • Well, i get what you're saying about opinions don't deserve to get downgraded. But don't unhelpful answers deserve to get downgraded? The human race is not a fraternity. If it was, we wouldn't destroy each other and everything else around us. When you say all other ones are too small and divisive, I disagree with that overal statement. I get your reasoning based on their exclusion. If we would mobilize every human being to move towards to a good cause, that would be ideal for me. Unfortunately, that is unrealistic. If all you can do is get a group of people to do good things, at least that is more than 1. I'm in a fraternity but I don't rate people lower or higher at all soley based on their associations. Thats completely unreasonable and immature. But you're right that it happens and it happens a lot. I guess any group is a reflection of soceity and no group is better than the entire human race as a whole. However, the human race is not a fraternity under the context of my topic of unversities. So how can you consider your answer to be helpful. Thanks for your response though, I appreciate it. And i'll give you a point to even it out.
  • Omega Pelta Kappa
  • I agree with "Wide awake Phoenix" that Sigma Nu is the best!
  • Chi Phi, husband is alumni!

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