• Well, it will kill you eventually. Aside from that, I don't think it will do you anymore damage than your garden variety smoking tobacco.
  • No, or they wouldn't call it smokeless tobaccco. I suppose you could try. but no where on line does it say you can smoke chewing tobacco. they make loose tabacco to smoke. I forgot to add Chewing tobacco has little crystals in it that cut your mouth so that the nicotine gets in you. If you smoked it, I imagine that being pretty painful, little cuts in your lungs ouch.
  • No good ever comes from ingesting any kind of tobacco . . . However, chewing tobacco is generally moist, whereas smoking tobacco - in cigarettes, loose for self rollers or pipes - is a drier consistancy. It would not be easy to smoke tobacco meant to be chewed, whether it's loose or plug, without air drying it out somewhat. I'm not even sure that could even be done anyway, as the moisture in "chew" is due to the flavored oils added to make it taste like something you'd want to have in your mouth . . .
  • If you only want to experiment with tobacco, and you're not in a position where you can buy cigarettes or get them, but you can get chew, then go ahead, but be careful. Like don't over do it. Try a few pulls, and then wait and hour or something. If it doesn't give you a really bad headache or stomachache then if you want to I guess you could smoke some more.
  • That is a senseless thing to do. Either way, you're still harming yourself in the end.
  • How about a serious answer? This person obviously wants to smoke the stuff, regardless of the dangers of tobacco consumption. Is chewing tobacco going to do immediate harm if smoked? I imagine it would be safe, because shisha (hookah tobacco) also contains molasses, and it is smoked like the sun won't come 'round again. ...little crystals, in chewing tobacco, that cut your gums? Hmm, is this a myth, or what?
  • Fiberglass is what cuts your gums in the chewing tobacco, and not the kind they put in mentholated cigarettes. It would be somewhat dangerous, and I do not recommend it, however, I do know some idiots that have done it. If you're going for a different taste, I would suggest pipe tobacco, or hookah tobacco. Pipe would be easier to smoke though. I personally mix pipe tobacco with rolling tobacco to give it a slight flavor, however, I do dry it out first.
  • Is it okay to chew smoking tobacco? lol
  • John Lennnon would've said, "The real question is, 'Is it OK to chew smoking tobacco." (Say with scousy accent)
  • I tried once ... the damn thing wouldn't light in the first place. When I tried again more furiously the whole thing caught a fire . Seriously I am not too sure it might even work . And even if it does .. I think it might do more damage .. especially without the filter that is usually present in packaged cigarettes .
  • I don't know what would happen. I was thinking about that tonight because my friend had some out next to a pipe. I think that it would either be very awesome and one of the best feelings; or it would make you sick. Has anyone ever tried it?
  • well. i was wondering myself if you could smoke chewing tobacco. and i am gonna test this out :)
  • If you read the can it says smokeless. So good luck!
  • Too sticky to light
  • On the "need a nicotine rush" scale, I would rather attempt to smoke chewing tobacco than try to chew smoking tobacco..

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