• It is not a big deal. All guys are the same. When you just wear sexy nice clothes, and wear make up, and talk in a nice way, all guys will follow you...guys are EASY.
  • No idea. The loser guys always seem to fall for me. Although, some hotties may like you. Just tooooo afraid to pursue you.
  • Hot guys like what they think they can't have. Get with a guy that likes you and make the hot guys think you're unavailable. Then when the hot guy asks you out, leave the ugly guy for the guy you want.
  • 1. get hot, be attrative wear nice things and look good 2. Be sluty but hard to get 3. Act like you are to good for whatever the other person is offering 4. last but not least, like what he likes even if you dont
  • The fact is that you will attract a lot of flies to attract a single drone. Dress sexy like some suggest you'll get plenty you don't want. So the best advice. Look at the guy until he notices. Once he does, shift your look away and smile. Great time to blush here. Repeat as necessary. You will get the message to the right guy. If he fails to respond quick enough, just walk up, say, hi, I think you're hot! Some guys like a direct approach. And aggressive girls can really be hot. But with the looking go first with the sweet, cute, stuff. Makes any girl (pardon the expression as there are very few) even a bone ugly one, irresistable. In fact dressing too sexy or being too pretty can scare guys off.
  • lol I noticed that if the girl was ugly she dates a cute man ! so just stay who you are, no need to be hot
  • How do you describe ugly and how do you describe hot?
  • there are probably plenty of guys that are attracted to you, but you only see the ugly ones, so keep your head up an you shouldnt have to change anything about you for the right guy.
  • Let me give you a makeover...I'll make you "Purdy" like me....
  • equity theory has it that we each seek out and find the person who balances us out. so, while i may be an old geezer who looks like homer simpson (i do), as a multimillionaire harvard professor (i'm not), i might be a babe magnet. if only ugly guys are finding you attractive, i'd be tempted to find out why the hot guys aren't finding you attractive. you could be unapproachable, perfect, ugly yourself, maybe you are using drugs that the hot guys don't like ... for me, i've always liked the attractive girl by whom i didn't feel tremendously intimidated.
  • you got to look past what people look like if your ever going to get any respect sure hes cute but he might be a lying sack of shit, carefull what you wish for guys in highschool are young and will develop
  • 1) You could have unprotected sex with a hot guy. You would probably make some hot babies after a time. ;-) 2) Open your eyes and your ears and maximize your antenna reception and you will see them.
  • well maybe your ugly too??????? chill out.
  • Alot of people are saying wear nice clothes, dress nicely and worst of all act slutty. I personally prefer a female who acts herself, and is a positive person in general. I find honesty one of the most attractive personality traits. Also forget about tanning and lots of makeup, if you are with friends who do this, i would be paying more attention to the girl that stands out. This is a good way to make you look more confident and less slutty at the same time.
  • You need to change your way of thinking.
  • ony Ugly guys like you!!?? i wish i was that lucky :(
  • one day you will come to realize that these "ugly guys" that you speak of would get a ladder and bring down the sun, the moon and the stars for you if you asked them. even "hot guys" get old and worn out looking in time. try to focus on "inner qualities"
  • Redefine your concept of ugly.

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