• We the sheeple of the disunited states of America will gleefully do whatever we are told to do and pretend that we have constitutional rights even though we must do what we are told to do. The pastors fleece their flocks and we all say baa and do as we're told. It sounds like mind control to me.
  • Goats are known to be complainers !
  • You are reading too much into the analogy. Jesus is saying that the righteous will be separated from the unrighteous LIKE a shepherd separates goats from sheep. He extends the analogy by saying he moves one (the sheep) to one side and the other (the goats) to the other side. Afterwards, He tells us that its not about goats or about sheep but about the separation of the righeous and unrighteous. By comparing ourselves to sheep or goats we are reading too much into the text or too much into what Jesus is saying. A text cannot mean what it didn't mean to its original hearers. The point of this passage is not about being stupid versus not being stupid or being a sheep rather than a goat or vice versa. Its about the Day of Judgement and the separation of the unrighteous from the righteous LIKE a shepherd separates sheep from goats. Jesus was talking to a culture and society of shepherds. They understood that. If it were in modern day, He might say, "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as an accountant separates the odd numbers from the even. He will put the even numbers on his right and the odd numbers on his left." It's something that the culture understand and is relevant and understandable to them. Its not about reading into the analogy but understanding the point of what Jesus was saying. Hope this helps!! God bless!
  • Goats also have a bad attitude. They'll dance on the hood of your car just to put dings into it. God doesn't prefer stupid, He prefers loving trust.
  • The separating of the goats from the sheep is not done with any discredit to the goat kind of animal. In Jesus’ day on earth a young male goat could be used just as well as a lamb in the celebration of the annual Passover meal. (Exodus 12:1-5) Also, on the annual Day of Atonement it was the blood of God’s goat that was taken within the curtain into the Most Holy of the temple in order to “make atonement . . . in behalf of the entire congregation of Israel.” (Leviticus 16:7-9, 15-17) So, in the parable, the goats are merely used to picture one class of people, whereas the sheep are used to picture another class; and as the time comes for a shepherd to separate the two kinds of animals, so during the parousia of the Son of man(Jesus) and before the “great tribulation” the time comes to separate the two classes of people. In the Scriptures, “sheep” often denote the defenseless, innocent, and, at times, abused people of God. In the Bible Jesus refers to himself as "the fine shepherd, and I know my sheep and my sheep know me "(John10:14) So in this parable of Jesus the sheep are those that help Jesus' brothers by bringing them relief when they are in difficult situations. They are followers of Christ. God does not prefer stupid people but rather those who humbly follow his direction as set forth in the holy scriptures. They are the ones that will have his favor.
  • Being a lamb does not mean being stupid. A Lamb is gentle, and kindness brings the highest rewards. It is the people who are not so innocent that end up in trouble. So in the long run, innocence is smart... and the wrong kind of cleverness will get you in trouble.
  • Goats are independent self centered animals. However, I believe the analogy is connected to the shepherd. Sheep are a softer breed of animal. Any JA can herd goats. But be just a bit harsh with a will flee in terror. Therefore a shepherd must have qualities that instill calm, Patience, mildness, and trust. Goats, at times, are kicked and punched, and still wont submit.
  • God prefers us to believe in Jesus, His only begotten Son. Then, go and sin no more. Then redeem your time. Use yourself and all of your might to be as much like Jesus as you can. Since you'll surely gain great volumes of knowledge by studying how to be like Jesus, and guaranteed wisdom in copious amounts, you'll discover the answer to your goat question all by yourself. Someone is praying for you. Love in Christ Jesus.

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