• I thought domesticated rabbits were incapable of making any vocal sounds. Maybe it's a macho thing.
  • It is said that Rabbits grunt when they are unhappy or when they are angry about something. Usually they are silent. It is `Scent', rather than sound, that plays a predominant role in Rabbit communication
  • There are two types of grunts. The most common one is when they are angry. It usually means the rabbit sis getting so mad he may be getting ready to bite something or someone. It's frustration, just like people. How mad he is can be read by his ear position, too. If they are facing sideways and the points of the ears are up or slightly lowered back, he's giving you a warning. If they are backward and down and those ear points are lowered way back, you're getting bit real soon! The other type of grunting is often heard when eating their food or playing with a toy. It's more like a pig grunt, not an angry grunt. It's kind of like being frustrated they can't eat fast enough for their liking. Unless, you are staring at them while they eat, then it could go back to their being angry at you and wanting some privacy so they feel safer while they eat.
  • If a rabbit is circling you making soft grutn sounds it is usually becasue they want attention. Mine used to do it.
  • Like others have said there's a few different kinds of grunts and different reasons for them. A loud angry grunt is a pissed-off rabbit. Softer grunts are playful, loving grunts. Maybe they're playing with a toy, or circling your legs (which means they love you; cute unless they're not fixed), or running down the hall, etc.
  • i didnt know they did.

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