• It's just a regular hat worn to show reverence, I don't think it has a special name. For example, in Urdu, it's called a "Topi" - which, translated to English is literally just "Hat". The same word, "Topi", can also be used to refer to a baseball hat, a hood, etc.
  • It depends on the language. In the Indian subcontinent it tends to be referred to as ‘topi’ proounced ‘tow-pea’ In kiSwahili, derived from the Arabic, it is called ‘kofia’ pronounced ‘coffee-ya’ (I know you think I’m pulling your leg because you’re reading that as "coffee?” "yes" but that’s not what I’ve written. Resist the temptation of putting any pause between the two parts of coffee-ya and you’ll get to the correct pronunciation of ‘kofia’)

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