• I'm thankful for all the animals who have given up their lives (and I mean had them taken) thus far for our health and safety but enough already. We've certainly advanced enough in technology to find other options besides animal tesing.
  • It's a necisarry evil. Cosmetics and advanced shaving technology is rather pointless, plenty of people will submit to that testing as a means of earning quick cash. Medical testing, though, that I have deemed a necisarry evil because I really, really enjoy not being dead. God willing, some day we'll test on convicts and volunteers, but until that day I'll turn the other way and not make a fuss in the event that what's going on will, someday, save me from some horrible illness.
  • Medicine yes, but would prefer involved scientists to be as humane as possible... Cosmetics and razors, no, they should not be tested on animals at all, that is, in my view, wrong.
  • I do not support animal testing whether it's for curing cancer or hairspray. The fact remains that animals' bodily systems are different to our. They react differently to drugs than we do etc Not to mention, it's above all cruel.
  • hummm then test on people are you willing?
  • NO animals should be used in testing ANYTHING. Not even medicine. It is immoral.

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