• planet plane plant plate pleat heat heel heal eel hate thane tale teal the then than peal peel pane plan leap lean lane lap pal halt plat leant lent ante nap pan pant ape tape peat heap ant apt petal pelt nape neap neat path pat pet let late laten eat eaten teen tee tea hat panel tan tap
  • Using words of as few letters as I fancy, here is a list: a, an, at, he, ape, pea, pan, nap, eat, tea, ate, eta, lap, pal, lea, ale, nth, net, ten, tape, pate, pale, plea, leap, lent, pant, thee, then, late, tale, teal, plus about 40+ more, I'd say.
  • One hundred and sixty four.
  • Tan Plan Planet Peel Heel Lean Hat Pat Tale Pale Pan Pee Lent Help Hate Nap Nape Pet Pelt Teal Ant The Then Eat Eaten Ate Ape Peal At Pant Eel Plea Ale Teat Tap Tape "phat" :p I'll come back. I love word games :)
  • All 155. ae, ah, ale, alee, aleph, alp, alt, an, ane, anele, ant, ante, ape, apt, at, ate, eat, eaten, eath, eel, eh, el, elan, elate, elephant, en, enate, epha, et, eta, etape, eth, ethane, etna, ha, hae, haen, haet, hale, halt, hant, hantle, hap, hapten, haptene, hat, hate, he, heal, heap, heat, heel, heeltap, help, hen, hent, hep, heptane, het, la, lane, lap, lat, late, lateen, laten, lath, lathe, lea, lean, leant, leap, leapt, lee, leet, lent, lepta, let, lethe, lethean, na, nae, nap, nape, neap, neat, neath, nee, neep, net, nth, pa, pah, pal, pale, palet, pan, pane, panel, pant, pat, pate, paten, path, pe, pea, peahen, peal, pean, peat, pee, peel, peen, pele, pelt, pen, penal, pent, pet, petal, phat, pht, plan, plane, planet, plant, plat, plate, platen, plea, pleat, plena, ta, tae, tael, tale, tan, tap, tape, tea, teal, tee, teen, tela, telae, tele, ten, tepa, thae, than, thane, the, thee, then, thenal.

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