• Stop doing it! Its a stupid thing to do...
  • Again...i need an answer...if i need so much god d**n help why dont one of you tell me how to stop?
  • you should probably confide in someone you love and trust. that way you can have someone there w/ you trying to help and push you in the right direction.
  • it obviously is a release for you, and makes you feel calmer, i think its best for you to go to your GP, dont feel embarassed, they see many ppl like you, and you may be referred to a therapist or counsellor
  • plus if you dont stop now youre probably going to have some pretty bad scars for the majority of your life...youll have to look at them everyday and remember why they are there and what you did to yourself. there are better ways of finding your feel-good outlet.
  • I'm not familiar or very knowledgeable with that problem but there's a category on Answerbag dealing with this issue and it has similar questions to yours. Probably you'll find a good one that helps you there.
  • This is the second question of yours I have seen on this topic, yet you seem to be a different person in each of them. In this one you want help to stop and in the other one you are saying quite the opposite. Don't you think that this ambivalence is sufficient indication that you need to seek professional help, rather than the opinions of random non-experts on a website? I'm sure your family doctor would be sympathetic in his or her approach and would arrange the counselling that you really seem to need. I hope you work your way to a satisfactory conclusion either with or without professional help. I believe you really do need to seek help because the only person I have known who did this ended up with deeper and deeper psychological problems and now, in her 40s ends up in a psychiatric hospital for a few weeks every year.
  • Kinarina, you are courageous for asking for help, even on the internet. It's not enough, but it's a very good start. Clearly you are suffering a lot. Notice that a few people here are taking you seriously and want to help. Even though we don't know you, we believe you are worth the time and effort. We can't give you the answers you need, but be sure we care. Some have suggested professional help. This is good advice. Your problem is complex and goes deep. You need well-trained help from those who can work with you week after week. Here are a few tips. Realize that cutting doesn't really feel good but it hides the deeper pain you're feeling. Do you notice that the feeling is only temporary? You hate what you're doing but keep doing it. You have some hard work ahead of you, K, but take courage in knowing that you can recover and put this in your past. It won't be a straight path and you may relapse sometimes. You must keep trying and confide honestly in some friends or family who love you. Feeling embarrassed at revealing a problem is better than suffering in secret. Secrets enslave you but the truth will set you free. Even if you are not a religious person, consider praying sincerely to God, begging Him to help you get to the root of your fears and pain. Reading the Bible can help you greatly. Others have overcome cutting and you can, too. Don't count on us to fix this because we simply cannot. Still, some of us really care and hope you'll keep us posted on your progress. When some are unkind and speak harshly, try to forgive them; they have their own pains. Reach out to others kindly and you will find greater strength. Hoping the best for you.
  • You can't stop anything by thinking about it or focusing on stopping it, for either way, your mind still focuses on it. You must replace it. A better way is to think of what Jesus went through on the cross, shedding His blood for you, and all of your sin, shame, and insecurities so that you can cling to Him and His cross and let all your burdens roll away.
  • You have to stop the cutting. Cutting releases endorphins to the brain, that's why it's so addictive.
  • i wish i knew the answer to that question, i have the same problem, it feels good when i cut and see the blood run down my arm, no pain just a good feeling. i have had some therapy and that does help at that time but then after the therapy session i feel the need to cut again. i hope with time i will not feel the need to cut
  • professional counselling is best. One day it may go too far, you may inadvertently sever a vital artery and bleed to death, and I wouldnt want that to happen. Seek some professional help today
  • I understand how it feels, trust me. I've been trying to overcome this feeling for a bit now, and was successfull for about two weeks, until a relapse 5 days ago. To stop cutting, before you do cut stare at the implement you are about to use run the question through your mind "would I cut someone I love?", and I promise you (if you have a heart) that will make you not want to cut at all. It worked for me until emotions became too much to bear. Please stop cutting, it will leave you empty in the end and with many scars. It's addicting, I understand. And to tell you the truth, you can't really stop that feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment when you see the blood running down your arm, it sticks with you (as far as I know). It has stuck with me.
  • How many times do you cut yourself? Let’s say 2 or 3 times a day. Can you do it every 3 hours for example? I advice you increase the number of times you do this to yourself and set up a schedule for doing that. But the key point here is that you must follow the schedule.
  • I completely understand your problem. I used to cut frequently. I saw professional help for it. Every psychiatrist and therapist I saw gave me the same BS response- "people cut to feel emotions", or "they feel they deserve it". No one understood me when I said it was about the blood... I hate the scars, I hate the looks you get on the street when you wear short sleeves, I hate the look my family gives me when I cut too deep and need stitches again, but it was worth it to feel that warm blood dripping down. Cutting is like any other addiction- it starts small, but grows and grows until it's uncontrollable. I started small- before I cared, before I enjoyed it- with a pair of scissors. They were just scratches, but they got deep and deeper. Before I knew it, I was stabbing myself in the arm, watching the blood fountain up, and then down onto my carpet. I didn't care about dying or living- it was about that feeling. There were a few times where I cut too deep and almost passed out- I was rushed to the hospital and got a few dozen stitches. My brother and his girlfriend had to clean up the blood off of my bedroom floor (I still am scared to thank them for it), and my dad still (over a year from then) gets worried when I'm in my room alone for more than fifteen minutes. I have 4 huge scars, plus uncountable smaller scars. At least once a month, some random stranger confronts me when I forget to wear long sleeves (it's difficult in a 90-degree summer). People can be rude, but there's nothing I can do to change it. Honestly, the only reason I changed was for other people. I hated the look on my dad's face. My girlfriend told me I almost drove her to suicide due to it. I had no issue doing it to myself, but considering other people killed me. At first, I'd sit completely still, all night waiting for my parents to get up, cause I knew if I got up, I'd go straight for the razor. It's hard, but the urge fades over time. I'm not going to lie- it's still there. There are days where it's a constant struggle to not start again, but I know if I did, it would be worse than before. I haven't found a way to fix it, other than to stop cold-turkey. There's no magical cure. Even with meds (and I'm on more than my fair share), the urge will still be there./ Just take it one day at a time- Eventually it'll get better. It always does. Good luck, and stay strong.
  • It feels great, I won't lie. I've gone through the same thing. But think about the reprecussions. Try diong this before you cut: 1. sterilize the knife with boiling water or something that will get all the germs off. 2. write in a diary or on a piece of paper what you're about to do. Use details. 3. look at everything you've written. Hopefully, after all this distraction, your head isn't in the moment as much and you will think clearly. If that doesn't help, get another (healthy) habit, like chewing gum or even biting your fingernails. Do that before you cut. It will help, just don't get yourself into another bad habit, make sure it's something that won't hurt you in the long term. Cutting will stay with me forever. It gets worse before it gets better. Just relax and wait for you to rise above the cutting haze you're in every day.
  • may god bless you ..
  • See a trained psychologist or psychiatrist for some serious counseling, and soon. +5
  • Ask yourself if it does anything for you.
  • You speak with a mental health professional about less harmful ways of relieving anxiety and/or stress.
  • start boxing
  • Find other ways to fulfill the urge, such as a hobby. Improve your self esteem. Find out why you want to cut yourself and solve the problem.
  • Go ahead and do it, look closely at the result, and I bet you will stop wanting to do it.
  • I've been there. I've done it. I have scars to prove it. For me it used to be a release, from all the shit that just seemed to happen. It felt good. But after I'd done it, I was just left with awful looking wrists and the same self loathing feeling. And why? Because of people dropping their problems on me. Nobody cared. After I'd realized all of this, it became very apparent to me, there are too many people in this world, who don't care, who are willing to hurt me, there are too many things going on that could scar me, why hurt myself? It's stupid when I look back at it. I have scars that will never go away, because I didn't think before I acted. The feeling of wanting to do it, it's horrible and it feel like you should do it, believe me I know. But please don't. It's not worth the pain.
  • find the reason that makes you want to cut yourself and then solve it
  • wow really all the blood does is rush to the wound and become stick closing it alomost in moments
  • I think you need to go talk to an adult you know and trust and try to see yourself as a valuable person. You shouldn't cut yourself up because you know its bad for you. Love your body, love yourself. I use to cut myself up too because I thought that I was a worthless baby machine. Once I saw how beautiful of a person I was and that I was worth so much more than that, I stopped. Please don't keep hurting yourself and leaving scars in your body! You'll regret it SO MUCH later, trust me!

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