• He wrote it of his own volition, no one made him write it. He wrote it on the back of an envelope while on his way to deliver it. Stephen Douglass, a noted orator of his day, delivered an address that same day at Gettysburg that no one remembers. Lincoln's address, however is held up even today as an example of heartfelt brevity.
  • Edward Everett was the main speaker at Gettysburg, not S.A. Douglas. Douglas was dead by November 1863. AL didn't write the address on the back of an envelope, nor did he write it on a train. One of the outcomes of AL's writing (and delivering) the address was to redefine the way Americans think about their democracy (in the popular mind, we will always be more of a nation of promises ... "All men are created equal" ... than we will be a nation of laws. Before Lincoln talked in PA, the constitution ruled our thoughts. Afterward, everything was centered in the Declaration of Independence).
  • They gave him a pen.
  • They who? See for the story.
  • Don't worry, Let Douglas get the credit,or blame, for doing the address. Almost everything else about Lincoln is a myth. Children are taught that he was so great and fantastic. Actually, he was a slug. He was single-handing responsible for the deaths of over 600000 Americans and started a war that never should have happened. He tried to round up all the Blacks in America and send them back to Africa. He said that Blacks should never be allowed to vote or hold office and were inferior to White people. He was strongly against interracial mating and in general held the Negro in low esteem. When he inherited slaves from his inlaws, he didn't free them, he sold them. And THIS is the man everyone is so crazy about? Rewritten History is not history.
  • He was the only one with a pen.

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