• You have to find a Criminal Attorney and sit down to discuss your options. If you successfully completed your PTI, then you should be able to expunge everything that was under the terms of your PTI. Make sure to ask your parole officer when and if you can set a court date to have your indecent record expunged. Usually after your parole visits are finished, and all other "stipulations" which are outlined in your PTI (community service, restitution payments, etc.) are completed, then you should receive a letter from that parole officer from the court. This letter will recognize that you completed your PTI correctly without any new arrests, indictable convictions, etc. After receiving this letter, you should have about 6 months or more to find a lawyer and set up a court date. You'll receive a notice in the mail, or to your lawyer, regarding that you have filed to have your criminal records clean, and to come to a court hearing. This is when the both the prosecutor and defense attorney (yours) will discuss the matter and come to a reasonable solution (expunge the PTI) for a first time offender. Then there will be conditions such as to show proof of residency, employment, etc. to show that you are in a position of a good standing citizen. I hope this helped.
  • Before going thru all of the trouble mentioned above, order your own criminal record and see if it's even on there first. If it is THEN take the route of having it expunged. No need to waste the time and money (cause it will NOT be cheap, probably thousands) if you don't have to.

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