• She wants to see you next week!! Once she comes up with an excuse next week than yes you are being played!!
  • ok bro it totally depens. ill tell you what on. if she keeps sayin it over and over again, or if she i really trying everything to shy away from you, she is not interested and wasting your time by not being flat out. girls usually do this rather than try to expain why they don't like you, so watch for the sighns. does she answer the phone when you call? does she always have to go when shes waround you? it don't always mean that, but alot of the time it does. try a couple more times, be cool and nice, if she don't shes too busy or not into you, so move on. let her know youll be around, but then stop tryin. she may even come around, but plan on looking elsewhere for a date. also make sure she isn't super busy or stressed, you can tell if she is. and make sure your asking about something fun, not like a loser.. no library dates such and so on. don't try to plan too far in advance either. get an estimate of the best time and just go for it. they feel wierd if it's too like "set up" being spontaniuos isn't a bad idea, just make sure you don't act too dorky. quiet, chill, and sure of yourself is the best apprach. also, common sense will help lot, use your gut. it's usually right
  • That she wants to see you next week. Hopefully you've discussed a day and time. And if anything happens and she doesn't see you, don't assume the worst. Plans CAN change on a moment's notice. Ask why if it happens, but don't assume it will, and don't assume she was playing you if it does.
  • well... it means that she likes to see you and talk to you.. maybe she is interested..
  • ...if it's SATURDAY when she says it, then you've got a chance, however, if it's MONDAY when she says it--start looking for a NEW girl!!!
  • she likes u
  • Usually a sentence with language as plain as this can be interpreted at face value. So I would think that what she said means that "she" "would like" "to see" "you" "next week". Next week is the week after this one that we're in right now. Seeing is believing. You are something else. Would like means like wood. She is a female human. So we can interpret this sentence to mean that a female human like wood believing something else the week after this one. Does that help?
  • It means she would like to see you next week.
  • If she says this after you asked her to see her *this* week then she might turn out to be a player or simply having other engagements elsewhere. Generally, when postponing, people explain why they're unable to see you this week just for the sake of courtesy and the reasons that they give should let you know whats really going on!
  • She likes you and wants to get to know you.

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