• The way I see it is that spanking doesn't promote respect... which is what you want from your children. Instead, it promotes fear. It's never good for a child to grow up surrounded in fear. That's why I will never raise my hand to my daughter. Beyond that, I try to only raise my voice when it is absolutely needed. This way, she grows up in love and understanding.
  • Social values have changed. Maturity and standards are learned from tv and the internet. Mothers no longer stay at home. Parents don't pay attention to there kids anymore. Schools are under funded. Its harder to get birth control in some places, this leads to teen pregnancy, which then leads to teen parenting, then child neglect. Once these children grow up in there underfunded and over populated schools they will be programed to default onto drugs as a crutch.
  • Do you really want your children to fear you instead of respect you? If you threaten your children with a spanking, they are going to avoid misbehaving because they don't want to get hurt... not because you've taught them that something is wrong. Aggressive parents raise aggressive children. I would rather my daughter become a teen parent than be jailed for assault. It's love vs. hate.
  • I know that hitting someone won't make those things stop happening. Hitting someone on the rear end (or anywhere else for that matter), could just exacerbate those circumstances. I was "spanked" and I wanted out asap. It DID NOT make me a more respectful person, it just made me feel RAGE. I left my house young and got into some similar troubles because of it.
  • what would drug abuse, teen pregnancy, and disrespectfulness have anything to do with spanking??? that has to do with a parents invlolvement in their childrens lives and a healthy relationship with them. spanking ur kid isnt gonna make them respect u if anything it makes them fear u on a kind of level, "you earn respect, you instil fear".
  • All the drug use, teen pregnancy, and disrespect is on the rise because our population is on the rise. You have to take in concideration there are millions more people in this world than there was 50 years ago. Of course all the bad things are going to go up.
  • When your child becomes a teen, you can't spank them anymore. You are going to have to talk to them, and if you have a relationship built on fear, they might not want to listen. Science Daily published an article this month on how children who were spanked are at increased risk for "sexual problems" as adults.
  • Show me proof that all these problems can be solved with spanking and maybe I will change my mind. BTW persoanlly I don't think spanking is always wrong just that it should be used very sparingly.
  • Sorry I do feel that I gave you a somewhat indirect answer, but I did that because it is an indirect question. It’s like asking: This is for all the anti-German people, Why do you all think that all these nazi methods work so much better when teen pregnancy, teen drug use, disrespectful teens, etc. are all on the rise?... its not really clear is it? Back to the topic…I’m 50/50 on spanking. I don’t think that the lack of it is makes much difference in the child’s development. Kids can deal with a lot of abuse (most do in some form or other), and sometimes abuse gives them an advantage in life because they know how to understand and recognize it better. Spanking is as important, as making your kids floss after every meal. It’s a desire to control/prevent something so bad that it can become abusive. As for the internet and tv, its not that its bad, it’s a great source of information, but it also exposes children to the adult world without shedding much light on having to live with the consequences. It gives them a delusional perspective on reality. In most families I have been around the tv and the internet have replaced family or in some cases the family all together.
  • It's because of the Media, music, and school systems today. Not because of lack of spanking maybe lack of religion. When a child believes in something they're less likely to go against it.
  • Wow, this is a complicated question. I have 3 teenagers and they have never so much had even a slap on the back of the hand for a single thing. I do not believe in spanking. I think it's a release of anger for the parent an an ineffective form of discipline for a child. We hit them, then we tell them it's not OK to hit someone else? Doesn't make sense to me. All 3 of my teenagers have their usual "teen" moments, but all are well adjusted, responsible in school and have never been in trouble. We do a lot of talking and communicating. I think the problem with society is the breakdown of the family unit - more kids are from divorced families (mine are), both parents are working out of necessity so kids are home alone much more than they ever used to be. Sometimes it can't be helped, but that's why "family time" is more important than ever these days.
  • Because you need to have a mature talk with your two-year-old. When they're about to stick a knife in a light socket for example; All you have to do is calmly say son, you shouldn't do that, it could hurt you and cause serious injury. And of course the two-year-old will stop what they're doing and say,"Wow father, I hadn't thought of that. I'm going to go ponder this situation for five minutes in my room." Only a barbarian would spank their child in such a way! haha, I got that from a comic dude, it were funny. He was like,"yeah, it may be barbaric, but at least it's effective! He'll even tell his friends! Point to the socket,'that bad!'" hahaha, love that kid.
  • Your question assumes the alternative methods are being properly and consistently used and children are still getting into trouble. What I see more and more is that few parental skills are being applied to kids, spanking or otherwise. Children need boundaries. Children want boundaries. Children absorb not only what they're told but what they see, what they live. And old reading I like says it better than I can: Children Learn What They Live Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph. D. If children live with hostility, they learn to fight. If children live with ridicule, they learn to be shy. If children live with tolerance, they learn to be patient. If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence. If children live with praise, they learn to appreciate. If children live with fairness, they learn justice. If children live with security, they learn faith. If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves. If children live with acceptance, and friendship, they learn to find love in the world.
  • The carrot and the stick is a method tried and proven over the last 50,000 years. Anti spanking has really only been advocated for the last decade and the situation amongst our children in regards to basic and decent behaviour is failing. Although there is a fine line that parents must not cross in regards to discipline, which many have also failed and as result we have a failure in teen behaviour. We can contribute this since the start of both parents working and the breakdown of our social network(neighborhoods)some 40 years ago. Latch key kids today who where denied a parent when in need are the one raising latch key kids today, basically children raising themselves with the help of media. This answer IMO and it only scratches the surface.
  • Children whose parents spank them or use other aggressive methods to punish them are more likely to have sexual problems as teenagers or adults, according to a research made by a University of Hampshire domestic abuse expert. Professor Murray Straus concludes that children who are spanked have a much higher risk in adulthood to verbally or physically coerce a partner into having sex, to have unprotected sex and to have masochistic sex. Other studies have also been made, showing the link between spanking and physical violence, but Professor Straus’ study is the first to link spanking with sexual behaviour. From Whole article on how research and studies show that spanking a child actually increses the chances of teen pregnancy. As for disrespectful teens, they're teenagers. Seriously, what did you expect? I'm not a parent therefore I'm not really for or against spanking. I'm not raising a kid yet. But, this is research and I think it's definetely worth a look. O, and here's an article on other techniques, aside from spanking that are proven to work on children: And within that website another link discussing why spanking is a bad idea: O, and one more article on other techniques that work aside from spanking: I dunno, seems like there are so many other alternatives to spanking, why do it when so many other meathods are available? Also, when in some cases it's actually been proven to cause more harm then good later on in life?
  • Ever think they might be on the rise because slapping doesnt SOLVE anything. Anyone on ehere who honestly thinks that slapping solves problems with there kids should not be allowed to have children. And if teen prego's drugs and loud mouth teens are on the rise why don't you take the time to do a survey and see if those kids have ever been slapped I bet they have! Not to say its the cause, it isnt..but it doesn't help.
  • furthermore (gosh, I have a lot to say on this subject.) not only was I spanked as a child... but I am also a teen parent (19 years old, 9 month old daughter.) so apparently, it doesn't work to smack the fear into a child. Didn't for me, at least. Maybe if my parents had gotten down on my level and explained -why- something was wrong, I would have a better set of morals and values? Who knows. All I can say is that I will never strike my child. Why? Because I love her, and I want her to grow up gently.
  • I don't believe in Spanking to get my childs attention, My kids know how to listen because I show them how when I listen to them. Maybe some people just need a little more length on the patience pole.
  • Spanking, severe punishing & threats are all grouped up in scare tactics. Do you know your teens? Don’t push your teens to lose respect for you, so be smart and don’t lose respect for them. Being a teacher to teens, you surely know: that instead of pushing a teen away you are supposed to attract them, this is an issue that is being highly looked in by specialists and the only ones who don’t have a clue are some parents who do not want to understand. Don’t ever forget to “practice what you preach”. If you think you know teens, then check the site and take any of the quizzes. One communication trap that parents get caught up in when discussing serious issues with their teens is the use of scare tactics. It is a trap because while a scare tactic seems like it should work – it certainly scares us into thinking it will – it often doesn’t work at all. Even worse, it can backfire. Before you feel the need to use a scare tactics in communicating with your teen, read the reasons below why you shouldn’t, and then check out other alternatives: Scare tactics simply do not work on teens. Developmentally, teens are still getting the gist of reality. The thought that ‘something could happen’ means to a teen that ‘something will happen to someone else, but not me’. It is always easier to get a message across to your teen when you dwell in the here and now with concrete information. You lose the respect of your teen. Sponsored Links Teen Stress Cutting-edge, evidence-based research for youth workers Communications Research, Full-text communications books, journals, articles at Questia. Project Team Charts Org Charts, and Much More See Examples. Free Download! There is a price to pay when you scare someone because being scared hurts. When someone hurts you, you withdrawal and lose respect for the person who hurt you. So, instead of opening the lines of communication with your teen about a serious issue, by using scare tactics you’ve shut the door. Using scare tactics undermines your credibility. This, to me, is the biggest reason to avoid using scare tactics for any issue that comes up with your teen. There is always a bigger issue around the corner; you’ll be needing your credibility in order to keep your teen talking with you, listening to you and caring about his/her family. Guard it by using appropriate communication and discipline skills. If you’ve used scare tactics before and you like to get back on the right track of open communication with your teen, try some of the tips in our article, Learn to Fall Back and Regroup. For more information on how you can communicate openly and use appropriate discipline with your teenager, see these resources: • Setting Limits & Rules • Active Listening • Use Door Openers, not Door Slammers • All Discipline and Parenting Resources Take this article one step further: • Find out how this advice prevents teen smoking. Communicating with Teens Talk to Your Teen How to Role Play with Your Teen 10 Ways to Send a Clear Message to Your Teenager Staying Involved with Your Teen Be Your Teen’s Biggest Fan Things to Do With or For Your Teen Active Listening Parenting Quizzes Parenting Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Teen? Parenting Quiz: Are You a Pushover Parent? All Parenting Quizzes Related Articles Communicating with Your Teen Use an Action Plan! Must Have Books for Parents Talking to Teens About Toug...How to Raise a Drug-Free Teen - Drug Free Teenagers Parenting Teens - Parenting of Adolescents - Past issue...Underage Binge Drinking - Tips for Reducing Underage Bi... Sponsored Links Teen Help Solutions Schools, programs, treatment Get help for your teen today. Teen depression expert advise, online community and free tools – all about depression Positive Parenting Teach Children Cooperation, Work Ethic, Love, Discipline & Respect! Positive Parenting Skills, Quickly learn easy-to-use, positive and proved parenting skills today! If you decide to visit the site, don’t forget to read the side columns which have very many topics regarding this issue. I looked for scientific links, but unfortunately the topic is subdivided into the different psychological issues which a teen can or may suffer. I was wondering how many people dealing with teens know which are possible psychological causes for teen misbehavior? Best regards.
  • Difficult subject here. A child needs basically two things ( other than the usual food, clothing and shelter ): 1. to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that at least one adult loves him or her unconditionally, no matter what; 2. to know that there are limits beyond which he or she cannot go and that doing so will result in unacceptable consequences. I am not a great fan of corporal punishment for most children under most circumstances. The only circumstances I can think of which would justify an immediate spanking is if the child is placing him or her self ( or someone else ) in immediate danger, or if something very valuable is in immediate danger of being destroyed. To blame complex issues like teen pregnancy, drug use and disrespectful behavior on a lack of spanking is at best disengenuous.
  • First, your basic premise: teen pregnancy, drug use, etc are on the rise is simply mistaken. Teen pregnancy is, instead, in a steep decline over the last few years. While the numbers of teen using drugs is up, the rate, when you compare to the fact that there are more teen alive today than ever before in history, is down. Disrespectful teens have always been around, per the complaint of Socrates way back in ancient times. Now, why not try to determine what really causes these problems, (which are not rising, as you stated) rather than blame it on anti-spanking people? The answer is OVERPOPULATION, plain and simple.
  • I think as far as pregnancy goes, spanking has nothing to do with it, teens will want to have sex just like we all do. Does spanking somehow make people want to have sex less? If so maybe all of you guys who think spanking in the bedroom is hot should stop. Teen drug use, is caused by introduction of the drug and it's prevalence in the area where you are, as well as the teen's choice whether or not to use it. When a teen is confronted with the problem of whether to use or not use drugs, I'm sure spanking doesn't automatically pop up in his/her mind. And finally disrespectful teens? I believe it's part of teenage nature in discovering self, expression, etc. to be rebellious as teens always have been since forever. Not because they haven't been spanked. It's riddiculous, if spanking solves all these problems, why don't we spank every citizen in this country and the damn President while we're at it.
  • I find that people that think a pop on the butt is abuse, tend to have to most misbehaved kids. I spank, and my 11 and 9 year old would never consider me to be mean, or fear me in anyway. I use other methods of punishment as well, such as time out and grounding, but there are times for a sound spanking. I am not totally against a belt or paddle but its not necessary by any means. The biggest rule I have is "never spank angry".
  • "if you do something bad I will hit you" can only breed one thing: "if someone does something bad to me I will hit them" pure and simple. Pretty appalled at this this question. Not putting this stuff into practice in reality is one thing, but really thinking that spanking will actually achieve anything in the long term - well.... what can i say! "JOHNBOY! How many times have I told you! Hitting is bad - come over here so I can hit you!"
  • Your asking me how GROUNDING your child giving them TIME ALONE in there bedroom is different compared to SPANKING your child or hitting them in a 'DISIPLINEARY way. well for ONE grounding your child gives them time to think alone in there room and decide for themselves. TWO It teaches them to re-evaulate situtations and past decisions. THREE It also teaches them to admit when they are wrong, apologize, and learn how they can fix what they have wronged. SPANKING teaches your child nothing but to do what you say or be hit. Sorry I had to put my answer to your comment in another answer Mans man and Arisztid but my comment would not post for some reason. Any who. Now you have it.
  • The comment box continues to not work for me. Galeanda I know children don't leave because they were spanked, but think about it for a minute do you want your children to pass on to your grandchildren, listening understanding, or spanking? Yes Arisztid, You and me were spanked as children. Was it that along ago that you dont remember how it really feels to be hit by a parent, someone whos suppose to protect you. Well, I don't forget to easy, I was litterally scared of my mother growing up, you shouldnt be scared of the person nurting you. We still have a rocky relationship till this day, not because she spanked me when i was younger, but because she never listend all she ever did was tell me how I should live my life. She doesn't know or understand anythign about me. I just think kids should have a chance to be listend to talked to, communicated with like equals. I don't think grounding a child for monthes is right either. but grounding a child till they realize what they have done and want to fix it, What wrong with your kids learning they own mistakes. I don't see how spanking a child, making it fear the hand that nurtures it helps the parent-child relationship.
  • Personaly i think smacking works on younger kids but if you spack a teenager they'll hit you back and then the situation spirals out of control.The best way to solve teen pregnacy is to inform young kids about sex and contraception if contraception is widely avalable and sex is seen as a normal human act and not "taboo" then teenagers will feel more comfortable about asking questions about sex and contraception,in the u'k sex education is started at 11 years old but the focus is on the biology and not practical knowlage e.g contraception.Drug use is not a big problem as long as kids are'nt injecting themselves,you'll never stop kids smokeing pot or takeing pills so it's pointless to try,the more ilegal you make it the more kids want to do it.(The next bit applies to the u.k) The reason anti-social behavier,stabing etc are on the rise is because teenagers know that the wont get punished and there not scareed of going to jail because jail is thought of as easy and most people dont serve there full sentance.edited to correct spelling.
  • I am for spanking. I am against violence. Spanking is a very useful discipline tool -when used properly-. So many parents seem to think that spanking is meant to hurt the child. It's not. Spanking can be used as a method to shock the child, surprise them out of their bad behavior. You don't ever want to hurt a child when they misbehave. Parents also tend to forget that spanking only works for so long. A young child does not understand reason, or "why" they can't do or have something, and so spanking is appropriate. Reason and logic only work once a child can understand them. As a more direct answer to your question, I don't see how spanking or not has anything to do with drug use, pregnancy, etc... those are results of peer pressure and poor parenting and education in later years, not early.
  • Spanking can contrabute to teen pregnacy, or maby that was just my ex-girlfreind
  • If you are going to use statistics, please use them correctly. First, illicit drug use by teenagers is decreasing. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, which has been tracking teen drug use since the 1970’s, “The improvement so far is very modest, but at least the troublesome trends observed through most of the 1990’s have begun to reverse direction". Second, the U.S. teenage pregnancy rate was at a high in the 1950s and has decreased since then. Third, teenagers whose parents TALK to them on a regular basis about the dangers of drug use are 42 percent less likely to use drugs than those whose parents don’t, per US government statistics. Statistics on spanking (compiled from over 100 studies combined): Children who are spanked are shown to display: many emotional & social problems, impaired parent/child relationships, lower IQ, increased aggressiveness, behavior problems, learning problems, lower academic scores, antisocial behavior, depression problems, more likely to suffer from addictions & commit domestic abuse, prone to be angry and show less long term compliance. Not a single study shows ANY benefit that cannot be achieved from other non-violent forms of discipline. Not all adults who are corporally punished as kids have all these problems, but not all people who smoke get lung cancer either. The US department of Health & Human services reports 142,000 children are seriously injured from Corporal punishment every year in this country, 18,000 of them are permanently disabled. Between 1-2,000 children die each year in this country alone from Corporal punishment. Nearly 70% of child abuse cases in CPS agencies result from corporal punishment. The defense of "discipline" is raised in 41% of homicide prosecutions when parents "accidentally" kill their children. I kindly urge you to please do some research yourself.
  • So if everyone spanked their kids all the worlds woes would end. Get a grip on reality.
  • By the way, even though the United States is among those countries with a falling teen pregnancy rate, it still has by far the highest rate of teen pregnancy throughout the western industrialized world. The person who presented this question implies that "spanking" is the solution. There is not one study that suggest that, not one. Sweeden, where physical punishment to children is illegal, has a substantial lesser problem with both drugs and teen pregnancy than the United States. It has been found that teens who have a good relationship with their parents are less likely to experience a pregnancy. Good communication between parents and their children is the key to ensuring children make the right decisions when it comes to their sexual activity. Education is also vitally important in helping youth know about their options when it comes to sex. Teaching teens about using contraception each and every time they have sex is imperative to healthy sexual relationships. Abstinence should also be taught along with contraception so that youth understand they have the right to choose.
  • Actually, I'm not anti-spanking, but if you start from a flawed argument, you are going to get flawed answers. The last I heard, the Depo shot was causing teen pregnancy rates to plummet. Kids don't have to remember to use it in the heat of the moment. I think the more important question is that poll that was quoted on here several days ago, where 70% of parents said that if they could do it over, they wouldn't have kids. Do we really think that having kids grow up with parents that wish they were childless won't ultimately be damaging? Do we really think kids can't figure out when their parents don't really want them? Do we really think that making all our time every day be about discipline wouldn't make any parent or any child wish they could get out of the relationship? Discipline in our house usually takes a few seconds, then we get to enjoy each other again. After a few weeks of spanking, we are already getting to where it only takes a verbal warning and the behavior stops. I'm homeschooling, and my daughter and I really enjoy one another all day. I wouldn't go back to being childless for all the tea in China. And I wouldn't trade all the discipline methods we tried before for the good times we are having now. I really wasn't enjoying being a parent then. Now, I'm loving it.
  • Interesting ... Not sure where you are getting your statistics but teen pregnancy has declined significantly over the last 10 years; almost every single year.
  • Corporal punishment isn't effective against teens. Treating your teens like a toddler is part of the problem, not the solution.
  • Im not an Anti spanker. I believe in spanking. It works and it doesnt make our kids fear us. I was spanked by my dad and I didnt fear him. I feared my mom and she hardley ever spanked me. She was abusive. My dad wasnt. Yes I did fear getting a spanking, who wants to be spanked? But I was never afrad of my dad. Along with a spanking a child must know the parent loves them also they msut know what they did wrong. If a child is not afraid to get in trouble then what is stopping them from doing something bad? They are not going to just be moral and make good decisions because it is the right thing to do. You dont have to teach a child to be bad, they will naturally do that. You have to teach them to be good. When I am driving down the road and the speed limit is 55 I dont speed. Why? Because I dont want a ticket. Do I think it is safer for me to go faster, sure. But I would be afraid a cop would see me and pull me over. Does this mean I fear cops, or am afraid of a cop? No, but if I am doing something agaisnt the law then yes I would have a reason to fear punishment from a cop. Anytime there is a choice to do good or bad, you base those on what the outcome will be. You ask yourself is it worth it? Why do people rob banks? They think they will get away with it. Would a bank robber try to rob a bank if they really thought they were going to get caught? No way. But they have probably already thought about what would happen if they do get caught and they figured it would be worth a try. I bet if the law was they would get both of their hands chopped off they wouldnt do it. Most of our decisions are not made by a moral choice, but they are made by what we think the reaction is going to be and how it will effect us. Just like why dont we want to hurt someones feelings? Because we dont want the reaction from it. We dont want to make them cry, or have them mad at us. Its all about the reaction. If a child is doesnt care about getting into trouble they will behave badly. But if a child fears getting into trouble then they are going to be more likely not to get into trouble.
  • Are you positing that the world is much worse now than it was when there were "White" and "Colored" bathrooms, drinking fountains, etc. Or when there were advertisements disparaging blacks and establishments named "Coon's Chicken". Or maybe it was when domestic violence wasn't even a crime because it was nobody's business. Was it before women were allowed into good Universities or were allowed to vote? Those "good ol' days"? My question to you is why do feel such a profound need to defend an inherited bad habit?
  • Reasons not to hit your kid Reasons Not To Spank Plain Talk About Spanking The Sexual Dangers of Spanking Children The Center For Effective Discipline
  • you should give them privelages if they behave then that way you both benifit because he will behave and he goes to whatever he wants but if its something bad like drugs and stuff make him stay home
  • I think that question is awesome. +4
  • hey thats a good question! ++ Just wondering , would you see things differently if you were a child who use to get spanked over every little thing, but then your parents went a bit to far? just a thought.... :/ Good question though, I see just what you are saying, maybe parents now a days have less hold over their children...or the children themselves have no respect for anything. hmm. :)
  • i am anti-spanking, but the way teens act these days is disgusting. i don't think the non-spanking is a problem. it's the fact that a lot of parents are lazy nowadays. i'm a teen, and i see a lot of friends' parents just sit on the couch and watch TV or hide in their room every night while their kids are jumping on furniture, throwing things, having sex and doing drugs and yelling at other people. parents don't act like parents anymore, there are only a few parents that actually discipline their kids. most kids can do whatever they want, whenever they want because their parents are too lazy and self-absorbed to take on responsibility.
  • Well it's for sure that spanking does not work for all teens & even the side effects it will promote disrespect. Most of the parents don't realize that different tools & techniques varies from one to other child. Applying them effectively from the beginning of their age will help you raising children almost free from disrespecting, drug use, pregnancy etc. As communication & intervention will be a part of your parenting style. However, I would suggest those parents who have struggling in their house that Most children don't lack the ability to obey their parents or follow rules, they simply lack the motivation to do so. And I recommend for those parents Home based intervention who have teens that often encounter problems including; anger, substance abuse, school issues, self-esteem, arguing, motivation, interacting with family, and more. Program like Home Intervention System was developed by administrators of schools and programs for struggling youth and has been adapted for home use. The Home Intervention System shows you how to motivate your teen to make changes just like they do in these schools and programs. The System utilizes a simple but powerful Attitude and Behavior Modification Program. Informative source:
  • Teens and college age kids are a disgrace today. I work at a college in a position that puts me into direct contact with hundreds and even thousands of college age kids each year. They're becoming more ignorant, lazy, and ego-centric than ever before. By the way, before you think I'm old man time, I'm 31 years old. College kids won't even call college offices, they have their mommy and daddy do it! 18 to 22 year olds still having mommy and daddy do all the dirty work for them. Scum bag parents are making this next generation a bunch of lazy, entitled scum bags.
  • An adult. Thank you. I think many misunderstand, though. You don't spank them when they are teens. You spank them when they are little so that they learn that there is a punishment for doing wrong. Then, when they are teenagers, they know better.
  • Appeal from a judgment of the County Court of Franklin County (Main, Jr., J.), rendered November 13, 2000, upon a verdict convicting defendant of the crimes of murder in the first degree (two counts), murder in the second degree, attempted murder in the first degree, attempted murder in the second degree and burglary in the first degree. On August 10, 1999, defendant, accompanied by Steven Trimm, drove to the home of Carmine Zerella (hereinafter Carmine) to confront Tony Russell, the boyfriend of Carmine's daughter, Diana Zerella (hereinafter Diana), about a report that he believed was initiated by Russell charging defendant with welfare fraud. Upon arrival, Trimm was left outside while defendant went into the residence to speak with Diana. Afterwards, Diana locked the door and telephoned Russell at work, expressing concern and fear that defendant was going to harm her. At about the same time, Carmine pulled into the driveway and was attacked by defendant. When Carmine managed to lock himself in his car, defendant ordered Trimm to break the car window with a lug wrench. Defendant returned to the house, forcibly opened the front door and began to punch and choke Diana until, according to Trimm, he believed that she was dead. Trimm testified that defendant dragged Carmine from his car, took the lug wrench from him and beat Carmine. Defendant testified that he did not use the lug wrench on Carmine, but did drive over Carmine's body when he fled. Carmine was found dead at the scene. Defendant appeals the jury verdict convicting him of two counts of murder in the first degree, murder in the second degree, attempted murder in both the first and second degrees, and burglary in the first degree. Addressing first his challenge to the sufficiency of the evidence and viewing such evidence, as we must, in a light most favorable to the People (see People v Contes, 60 NY2d 620, 621 [1983]), we find "a valid line of reasoning and permissible inferences which would lead a rational person to the conclusion reached by [the] jury on the basis of the evidence presented, . . . [evidence] which satisfies the proof and burden requirements for every element of the crimes charged" (People v Lee, 303 AD2d 839, 840-841 [2003], lv denied 100 NY2d 622 [2003]; see People v Bleakley, 69 NY2d 490, 495 [1987]). In so finding, we have reviewed the documentary evidence and the testimony of the numerous witnesses offered by the prosecution which included Trimm, investigating police authorities and forensic experts. Diana's testimony, coupled with photographic evidence, medical testimony and the testimony of a forensic pathologist confirming that the physical evidence comported with Diana's description of being choked and strangled, was sufficient to support the jury's verdict convicting defendant of the crimes committed against her. Trimm's testimony, coupled with forensic evidence and the testimony of other fact-based witnesses, was sufficient to support the verdict concerning the balance of the charges; defendant's testimony pointing to Trimm, rather than himself, as responsible for Carmine's death presented a credibility issue for the jury to resolve. We recognize that forensic evidence that Carmine's hair was found on a wheel of defendant's car was consistent with defendant's version of the events. However, viewing all the evidence presented in a neutral light, we do not find that the verdict was against the weight of the evidence (see People v Love, 307 AD2d 528 [2003]). Defendant's additional ascriptions of error concerning the prosecutor's conduct at trial, County Court's evidentiary rulings, and the instructions given to the jury are unpreserved (see People v Ryan, 240 AD2d 775 [1997], lv denied 90 NY2d 910 [1997]). Were we to address defendant's challenge to his cross-examination, we would find the prosecutor's conduct was neither "so pervasive [n]or profound [so] as to have rendered the trial unfair" (People v Pierce, 266 AD2d 721, 722 [1999], lv denied 94 NY2d 951 [2000]). Nor would we have found merit in the claim of prosecutorial bolstering of witnesses. Other than one occasion where defendant objected and County Court sustained the objection, no objections were made to any of the questioning, and defendant failed to demonstrate that such questioning caused him substantial prejudice (see People v Parker, 305 AD2d 858, 859 [2003]). Since the sole purpose of admitting the now challenged photographs of decedent was to illustrate the forensic biologist's testimony and not to arouse the emotions of the jury or prejudice defendant (see People v Wood, 79 NY2d 958, 960 [1992]; People v Mastropietro, 232 AD2d 725, 726 [1996], lv denied 89 NY2d 1038 [1997]), we would not find error. Further, with the admissibility and scope of expert testimony left to the discretion of the trial court, and in light of our prior determination that blood stain pattern analysis is a proper subject of expert testimony (see People v Eckhardt, 305 AD2d 860, 864 [2003], lv denied 100 NY2d 620 [2003]), we would have found no error in the admission of such testimony. The People's closing remarks, which are now challenged as inflammatory, were also not preserved for our review. Counsel did not object to these comments, did not request curative instructions and failed to move for a mistrial (see People v Carter, 227 AD2d 661, 663 [1996], lv denied 88 NY2d 1067 [1996]). In any event, viewed in light of Diana's testimony, they were proper. With no discernable error in the jury instructions given and the failure to object or request alternatives (see People v Merritt, 265 AD2d 733, 734 [1999], lv denied 94 NY2d 826 [1999]), our review is concluded. Mercure, J.P., Spain, Mugglin and Kane, JJ., concur. Ordered that the judgment is affirmed.
  • I was spanked as a kid, given a good hiding a few times, but I am not traumatized by it, not one bit. I turned out quite well, I think. People need to realize that there is a huge difference between spanking and bashing a child. Spanking as a small child worked for me, but as I got older (about 7 years old) I realized that the spanks did sting, yes, but they were nothing to be afraid of. My mum had to change her form of punishment after that! Thats when having my fave things taken away for a week started to come in. I must say, that was more effective. I dont know if I will spank my kids when I have them, its not that I am againsed it, certainly not! But it really depends on how my future husband feels about it. If I dont end up spanking my kids, I will still be quite strict on them. If they are naughty, no TV for a week, or something. It is really important that parents punish their children when they play up, they need to learn that they cant get away with everything. Whether its from a spanking, or take away their favorite toy, you find something that is effective for you, and stick with it. The one thing that I really want to stress here is: THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SPANKING A CHILD AND BASHING/ABUSING A CHILD. Some people seem to think its the same thing. The world has gone soft.

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