• Pregnant is pregnant regardless who fathered the baby.
  • generally she would have a baby
  • OH MY GOD!! NOT ANOTHER GAY!!!!!!!!!!!
  • And your point is what? Aren't we gay men good enough? is our semen somehow tainted? Will the baby be in some manner less than perfect?
  • I'm guessing she has a baby. I'm sure it happens sometimes. Ever seen The Birdcage?
  • She delivers a baby around 9 months later. Was this some sort of trick question?
  • Wow 4 people DR'd me! I had no idea this would anger anyone. I just want to hear about such cases; the drama and the details. They would seem unlikely to marry, I really wonder how the woman would feel about it all. In the "Object of my Affection" she threw him out! And no I have not seen The Birdcage.
  • Uhhh...has a baby? Miss that day in biology class?
  • Eh! Then he wouldnt be gay as he got a woman pregnant there for he is bi-sexual and he has a right to become a father and then the woman will have a baby (hopefully who has a better Gay-dar)
  • i'm pregnant to a gay man, 7 months now, we did ivf and are due on christmas day 2008
  • The question should be what happens when a woman and a man make a baby, and the answer is going to depend on the terms of their relationship and what their goals and beliefs are. An accidental pregnancy is an accidental pregnancy, a planned pregnancy is a planned pregnancy. The aftermath of either scenario isn't driven by father is gay. Maybe one of them wanted a baby and the other agreed to be donor or surrogate. Maybe they are married, maybe not. Maybe they want to raise the child together. Maybe they will choose to not have the child, or to give birth then give it up for adoption. Sexual orientation isn't the point.
  • If you are not going to be legally married, get some of the legal problems worked out about the child. This will prevent any serious problems down the road. It includes legal custody. Also talk about raising and disiplining the child, or any other differences you have---just like any normal parents. Discuss how you will tell the child about Dad, if you plan to.Be extremely conscious that the child will be exposed to many difficulties in society, at least until attitudes change. Even the parents of your child's friends may not want your child around for fear of influencing their child if they find out "dad" is gay. I'm just presenting possibilities. People are very mean to each other and use anything they can against each other. Children are worse. Sperm and egg usually = "baby". Taking care of it determines "parent".
  • Her nose goes green and lights up, and her ears start to rapidly rotate. When the rotation reaches a certain critical frequency, she will start to rise. If she is standing in the open, she will probably never be seen again. If she is indoors she will stop when her head contacts the ceiling. Eventually her ears will stop rotating, and she will sink to the floor again. She will then grow a long white beard, and while the pregnancy lasts, will be able to obtain employment in most stores as a Santa.

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