• "Know thyself." What a great one. It means that for you to understand anything about metaphysics (a fancy word for philosophy, really), you must first understand how you think. You must be your own psychiatrist and find out what drives you. When you think about what you believe, ask yourself "but why?" Under no circumstances should you be satisfied with "well that's just the way I think" because that's no answer at all. If you don't understand yourself before you try to understand ethics, for instance, you'll never have an unbiased and open mind, which is what is needed for increasing wisdom. Can we ever get perfectly unbiased and open? Probably not, but we should always try. You would be amazed how much you can learn about the human race by investigating your own mind. Once you open yourself to scrutiny you will find that all kinds of doors of perception will open.
  • Socrates did not originate this. He saw it above the entrance to the Oracle at Delphi. He visited the oracle numerous times, for counsel. Again, this is not Socrates' maxim. It is the Oracle at Delphi's. It refers to humans' divine nature, and suggests looking within to understand just who we are. At tIt meant the hidden part, the inner part, of the human. The goal was to transmute the soul's qualities into outer manifestation in the world, or to attain full self-actualization in this world. Somewhat equivalent to enlightenment in Buddhism, or liberation of the soul in yogi philosophy. "Man, know thyself" referred to becoming aware of and completing this process. And there you have it!
  • Socrates did not originate this. He saw it above the entrance to the Oracle at Delphi. He visited the oracle numerous times, for counsel. Alchemy at the time used "lead" to refer to man's outer, base nature, and "gold" to refer to man's inner soul or divine nature. "Gold" refers to humans' divine nature, and suggests looking within to understand just who we are. It meant the hidden part, the inner part, of the human. The goal was to transmute the soul's qualities into outer manifestation in the world, or to attain full self-actualization in this world. Somewhat equivalent to enlightenment in Buddhism, or liberation of the soul in yogi philosophy. "Man, know thyself" referred to becoming aware of and completing this process. And there you have it!
  • Socrates also said, "The unexamined life is not a life worth living." He meant that we need not fear to take an honest look within ourselves and ask the hard questions. Who am I? What am I doing with my life? where am I going? A serious look means being totally honest and is not an easy thing to do.
  • To know thy self is to know god, Gnos = knowledge.......know thy self.Did you know that the Catholic church use Plato and Socrates Theosophy ? Theo=God, Sophia= wisdom.....they were around 700years before Constantine, the roman Emprire.
  • he means , if you had to read it , you didnt know thyself ;-)
  • Not less than three pages? Do you know how much space they give you here? Did you copy this from your homework sheet?

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