• It probably has something to do with sugar content.
  • Grapefruits have lots of sugar in them but lemons don't. Any sugar they have in counterbalanced by all the acidity.
  • Thats my question!!!!
  • I'm guessing it's because lemons just don't have as much sugar. I hate eating grapefruit because they're so sticky...
  • So why do Pink-sweet grapefruits and yellow-bitter grapfruits make your hands eaqually sticky when they have different sugar contents? Is it possibly to do with the acid in a lemon brakeing down the stickyness??? But then Grapefruits are acidy too? How confusing!!?!!?
  • Well, lemons are sour, but most grapefruits are bittersweet soooooo... i think grapefruits have much more sugar than lemons. I wouldn't say lemons have NO sugar but it's got far less sugar than grapefruit, so definately something to do with sugar content! Sorry I think all that was useless but I'll still add it!!!!!

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