• I am a carb whore, and I have to say it's because they are sooooo goood!
  • Our bodies crave them, because in times gone past, we often suffered from periods of hunger (eg winter). Carbs help your body get through these times of scarcity, and it is no use telling our bodies that there are supermarkets now...they still go on craving them. Talk to a health professional.
  • for one reason only, they are so good! but if you replace it with something healthy that you also enjoy you can learn and teach your body to stop eating those. hint: it is all psychological.
  • Ok, now that you've seen the BS answers, here's the technical reason why you can't seem to shake the carbs:'s how it all works. The body uses three types of food for its energy sources. They are, in the correct order of use, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The ideal fuel is carbs. So, when you eat carbs, the body immediately uses what it needs for cellular fuel. The body MUST have energy to fuel the cells or you die. Energy means your heart beats, your lungs breath and your brain thinks. So, the cheapest and quickest and most efficient fuel is, as I said, carbs. If there are more carbs eaten than the body needs for fuel, the body stores the excess carbs as fat in your belly, your thighs, your butt and your hips. It just keeps adding to this every time you eat more carbs. It uses what is immediately available first and, if there is excess, it goes right to the storage warehouse. This is why you get fat; however, back to why you crave the carbs: There is a hormone that is released by the pancreas. This hormone is "insulin." We all know about insulin that is used to treat diabetes but do you know why insulin is so important? Because each of your cells requires glucose to use for fuel but none of the cells will allow that glucose into the cell, through the cell door unless glucose is accompanied by its buddy "insulin." Without insulin, glucose cannot enter the cell. Ok, so if the cells are getting plenty of glucose that means they are pretty saturated with insulin...lot's of it. They are like "floating" in insulin. So, there's this specific level of insulin that the cells get used to having around. Every time you eat another carb, some more insulin is released and it stays in the blood stream and in the cells. If that level drops a little bit, your cells start protesting. They're screaming "hey...our insulin level is dropping here! Eat some more carbs so we can get the level back to what we're used to!" This cellular protesting is directed to the brain in an area that controls hunger. So, the brain thinks that you're hungry because the cells are telling it that the insulin level has dropped to a level that is below the norm. THIS is why you crave those carbs. This is why more and more people are getting diabetes. Their pancreas is having to produce so much insulin that it eventually wears completely out. It never gets any rest because it's continually producing insulin to keep the cells happy. can actually get rid of all this insulin and reduce the cravings and the fat. How? Check it out at There's info there about all kinds of diets, losing weight, getting rid of fat and diet comparisons. Anyway...THAT is the technical reason you have carbohydrate cravings. Yea, they're good but what makes them good is the cravings. You can actually lose those cravings and carbs won't taste nearly as good. Hard to believe but I'm living proof. I used to live for carbs until I found out what they do to your body. I then went on a very serious low-carb diet and lost a lot of weight and, most importantly, I lost the cravings. I hope you got the answer you wanted.
  • they make you feel bad because someone told you they were bad and you believed them... if i told you that carbs were good you might believe me. eating a lot of carbs might tell your body to stock up on fat if you go hungry for extended periods... eat whatever sounds good! who wants to get rid of bread???
  • Im the same way. I actually feel nasty the more carbs I eat. Tired and crappy too. If I stop eating them, my blood sugar drops like a rock 3 or 4 times a day. So, I keep eating them..Dr. says, that's the precursor of being diabetic. What's he know,lol
  • there are 2 types of carbs: the ones that diffuse slowly in the blood and the ones that difuse rapidly. Rapid diffuser carbs such as white flour products do not satisfy for longer, because they cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels and this distrupts body fluid balances and many other systems. also cause carb addiction. and strong desire for these simple carbs. on the other hand, whole meal bread and brown flour products satisfy for longer because they diffuse slowly in the blood without distrupting blood sugar levels.

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