• yes...yes I do
  • I fear there being nothing after death
  • Not particularly. In my religion we beleave that family ties extend beyond death. So, when we die, the family members that went before us are waiting to greet us.
  • I Fear AND Respect it.
  • No. But I have never been in a situation in which I close to actually dying.
  • No, I figure as long as I have had fun in life, I will not mind death because I made the most of life. Also, I don't seem to fear anything, and I think people worry too much abot death. Just relax!
  • My real fear is not the actual death but in actually never seeing my gf or family again.
  • Not nearly as much as I fear continuation of life.
  • No but I've never stared it in the eye either. It's easy to be cavalier about something we don't feel threatened by. It's possible my opinion will change. I'm comfortable with knowing my place in the food chain. I eat critters now knowing that I will feed critters later. Hopefully, some of my bits will give organ recipients a new chance at life or provide researchers with the material needed to further science. I guess the most fearful thing about death would be getting there. Will I be mauled by a bear? Suffer a protracted flesh eating bacterial infection? Be moshed to death at a concert? Crash through the glass floor in the CN Tower because I was jumping on it to prove it's stupidity proof? I would imagine death would be a relief.
  • On January 5, 2005, I was in a truck hauling water in a tanker, and another truck coming the other way on a two lane road came into my lane. He either had a heart attack or went to sleep, we dont know. But he hit me square head on at 65mph. I really thought I was going to die right there. I actually remember saying,"I am coming home, Jesus." The imapct knocked me out and when I woke up in that crumpled up truck cab, it was like winning the lotto, I was banged up but walked away. Unfortunately it killed the other guy,,, but I said all that to say this,, I know Jesus Christ as my savior, and knowing where I am going to spend eternity made a calming effect on me at the time I thought I was going to die. I was at peace and just accepted it. That was a comfort. So now I am not afraid of dying. I know He will be there to comfort me as He promised.
  • Not death in itself, but I do worry about dying too soon, before I've had a chance to do everything I want to with my life.
  • i don't fear death.. because i won't let myself die.. one way or another.. i will make my mark.. that way i will last "forever".. and i do believe.. as i close my eyes to have my heart come to a halt.. there's always heaven.. well.. thats if i've been a good boy, lol
  • No, I do not fear death, though I've never had a near death experience. (that I can remember, anyways) But I am extremely curious as to what happens after you die, because its another question to the living that will always go unanswered.
  • I don't fear death i fear being gone and leaving people loney
  • i think robbie williams explains it perfectly in the song 'feel' " i'm not scared of dying, i just don't want to"
  • I gotta long way to go, so no.
  • yes i do.
  • I have a lot of factual information about life which scares me. Pain and suffering are not my favorite things. Death is an unknown. When I know what to fear or what awaits me, then I'll just have to cope with it. At that time, I'll know, without a doubt, the merit of practicing a particular religion. I'll do my best to relay a factual answer to you at that time.
  • I wouldn't fear & respect it so much if I had brothers in my family. Someone has to carry on the family name and the burden all rests on me. If it didn't have to so much, I'd probably be more of a daredevil in life, more willing to take risks...
  • No. Im not afraid of spending an eternity with the people i love. And thats just me. I do respect it though. Im not going to run myself out in front of an eighteen wheeler. When god decides its my time, its my time.
  • about as much as i fear catching an std
  • yup...
  • No I believe in life after death
  • No, in fact that will be the most beautiful moment for my soul to meet God in eternity...
  • Absolutely. Think about what we know...what if our life on Earth is our Heaven and what we make of it, so there is nothing beyond it? The nothingness scares me. I had a similar experience to Hemiman. No, I wasn't dying, I just thought I was. I was 13 and in the hospital with a kidney stone. They thought I was too young for stones and wouldn't give me pain relief because they wanted me awake for observation and communication. In between vomitting and moaning I begged my mother to let them kill me. Then, I started to pray. I'm not over-the-top religious, but do believe in a higher power so I began to pray. I prayed for God to please end my suffering one way or another...and at that very moment it just stopped. (Nurses confirmed I passed a stone.) That moment changed me forever.
  • I'm not scared of dying exactly... more like, how i will die. like, i don't want to die in a natural disaster or sumthing. and it is kinda unnerving because it is always scary to face the unknown. however, i am quite looking forward to death in and of its self in that, i am ecstatic to meet Jesus!!
  • yes but its ok jesus will be there
  • Death... afraid of it... no. Do I have a healthy respect for life and do things to avoid death, yes. I don't believe we have been assigned a destiny when it is our time to die. Many people are just in the "wrong place at the wrong time" and die. I try to keep myself out of dangerous situations because if I do die, it will make other people very sad and I don't want to hasten my eventual demise.
  • no and yes- no because i know i'm gonna die sooner or later and its peaceful--yes because it depends how i die if i die harshly
  • Never would I be afraid of death. Death is like, a friend.
  • I don't think that it's death I fear but rather the pain and suffering that might accompany it. If I have to go, I hope to die in my sleep. What worries me is the pain and grief that my loved ones will experience.
  • Its easier when yr watching not to. Can you truly fear smething that doesn't exist? people get bored, they move on. I can think of few things more unpleasant than never changing perspective; consciousness is energy and that can Not be bound for longer than it decides... that which is not feared can be summoned....
  • That is the same question as asking do you fear life?
  • I used to..a lot. I think the only reason I feared it so much was because I had never had an experience with death...never felt loss, you know? but after someone very very close to me passed away..I felt real and serious pain, real loss. And I thought, you know what? she is in a BETTER PLACE. And she always loved to try new be the first one to know things, to find things out. I began to feel that death is just unexplored territory. Its an adventure. Everyone has different beliefs about it, so it will be interesting to find out what REALLY happens, you know? I am not saying I am not scared in the least bit. Sure I am a little nervous, after all, it will be the end of my life...which is pretty important to me. And I think it is in the human nature to be a little scared, we have no proof, no facts, no written solid answers to it (dont mind this if you are religious..) and us humans like to know things. We dont really like to be left hanging here without answers. But I think that if you imagine it as an adventure..a kind of settles the fears. at least for me! :)
  • Yes.......absolutely! First of all, I am loving every second of my life and having such fun! I am always doing things with my daughters, going to movies, reading fantastic books, playing on 'answerbag' :-) and a myriad of other things I adore doing! I want to live forever! Second of all, most religions disagree on what happens after death. Who is right? We won't know until that fateful day. *gulp*
  • No. I don't fear death. I sometimes wonder about the how, but that's quite a way off (I hope!) and what will be will be. I contemplated it far too often, and far too seriously at times, so I think I'm done with that for this life.
  • No. Actually, if my quality of life (chronic health stuff) gets much worse, I will welcome it anytime. I have strict instructions (Living Will) so even if it is not a quick death, I will not be in pain.
  • i mainly fear the unknown, about death that is. where do i go, what happens, was a a good enough person? i fear that some decisions i have made might put me in a bad place. mainly i fear leaving behind loved ones, i want to die last so i can be with them till the end.
  • no. i think death is not the end but only the begining of a new journey. i'm not cavalier about it, but i don't really think of it.
  • I dont fear it cause when your deid your deid you dont feel it see it or nothin your gone and never comeing back.
  • When the time comes, it is going to come. Its not going to help worrying about it. I dont fear it, but I hope its not going to be slow and painful. I would prefer to go in a peaceful way, with family around me.
  • It scares the hell outa me! But I think more than anything I am afraid of pain. If I were to die and not feel it, I suppose it would not matter. I just do not want to feel it!!
  • No, but I fear for the well being of those I'd leave behind.
  • I do not fear the nothingness. I do not fear my idea of heaven, expect I don't want to go to the same place as them. I do not fear eternity. I do fear reincarnation where I have to start over with a similar set of A-holes that I started with in the same place - and fewer tools to deal with them, being that conciousness restets possibly, andeven worse A-holes maybe
  • The person I love and have spent most of my life with has terminal cancer it could be weeks, but they said that 6 months ago. It is not the death fear for me, it is the living after he goes that makes me afraid.
  • As a Buddhist, I believe that the real life we truly are never dies. Death is the opposite of birth, not the opposite of life. The mind based, ego-created self that we feel is us is only a form of existence that we have assumed for a time. When we meditate, that is breathe deeply and observe our minds, it is easy to see that the fear of death is like any other mind-created thought moving as a bubble in a glass of champagne. Let it go, but do not cling to it. Only suffering and fear can come from allowing our minds to run things. This human form we have taken is just as fleeting as our thoughts and fears. A wave approaching a shore could do as we do, fear the end. Unless it looked inward and became aware that it is merely a form that the vast ocean has taken. Will it not fold back into the water from where it came? Will we not fold back into the larger interconnected higher consciousness when this form fades? Breathe, observe, be aware of who you really are, so much bigger than the little "me". Peace.
  • Not Death...But the leaving all of the people that I love the most behind
  • I don't fear death, I stand at the edge of oblivion and shout wry little wittisisms at death.
  • I'm with you doggone-god-lovers. I'm not afraid of death but I'm afraid of it killing my loved ones when I do go. I hate thinkig of how hurt they will be if I was to go so it makes me upset.
  • I think anyone who does not fear death, even a little, is not being honest with themselves. It is a Great Unknown, and we all fear the unknown.
  • I do fear death a little bit. I'm curious of where I am going to end up, where does one go after death? Do you just wash away, and never return? That's the part that frightens me. I know everyone has to leave one day, but the thought of leaving the world and never returning scares me.
  • "To die will be an awfully big adventure." -Aristotle I am happy to put that adventure off for as long as possible though. :) The only thing I might fear is the way I might die; I don't want to suffer.
  • I'm with some of the others. I don't fear it but I do not like to think of my son having to fend for himself and cope with my being gone; although I know (once it happens) I won't have that as a worry. If you've never seen it go rent Defending Your Life. Very cool.
  • Not at all, in fact, there are many nights I wish I could go to sleep and wake up starting things all over another lifetime.
  • Yes only because it is the unknown.
  • I fear there being nothing after death. If I think about it too much it really frightens me and in a way I think we all try to deny our mortality to get on with our everyday lives. Unfortunately this is a duplicated question.
  • Yes, I fear death because I am afraid I will die before I can change the world.
  • (EDIT)I fear the pain of death and i fear the fact that i will be rotting dead in the ground and nothing will happen.
  • Only if it comes as soon as I retire from a lifetime of working.
  • Nope, its the "how you die" part that has me a little worried. There are way too many unpleasant ways to die.
  • I'd prefer to live however if God wants me then he will take me. I fear pain more then death. In nom de patris, fillis, et spiritus santi (No I'm not a papist but I do like Latin quotes)
  • I honestly fear death because I do not anything about it. Just as I would fear entering a battle with an enemy I know nothing about. I hope to conquer this fear eventually by being enlightened by some kind of philosophy (religions included).
  • In a sense yes and no. I want to live life to its fullest, and live to a ripe old age. This is why I kind of fear death. I kind of don't fear death because everyone needs to get used to the fact that it comes, whether you like it or not. Everyone dies at one point. But not too many people want to, that's for sure.
  • NOT DEATH at all I will only be sad to leave the people that love me and for them to grieve . I will be going to be with the people I love and have and am grieving for , so I have nothing to fear
  • Yes, because we don't know for sure what happens after death, and its that unknown that is scary.
  • Can't say I really do. Their's no more pain, no more suffuring, no more anything. But that's not to say that if I was put into a situation where my life was in danger, I woulden't try to save it.
  • Yes and no. Yes because it's something I've never done before and don't know what to expect. No because so many others have done it and they survived... wait a minute, that doesn't make sense.
  • I am far more afraid of a life not lived, than I could ever fear a done death.
  • I don't fear death, but I would rather it be painless. If you fear death, you'll do anything to substain life. I've been so close to it and facing it, that you know.. theres no running from it when it comes.
  • yes i am.
  • No. Death is the Final Adventure. It is a door into the rest of eternity, the portal through which we all must enter. Guess what? You will ALL live forever somewhere, and what you do and do not do now determines your residence. "O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory?" (1 Cor. 15:55)
  • No. It is the end to everything, and it can not be avoided. Its the end to pain, the end to suffering, the end to everything.
  • when it comes i am not really going to have time to think am i?
  • Unfortunately it is the thing that terrifies me the most..
  • No. Death is just a phase and a doorway to whatever it is you think awaits.
  • No. Death is just a phase and a doorway to whatever it is you think awaits.
  • No. Death is just a phase and a doorway to whatever it is you think awaits.
  • no death is just another path in life that all must take in the long run....
  • No, i have looked into the fires of hell and laughed. The devil looked to the heavens and cursed. I spit in his face just as the void closed up. No other place will thou find thy lividness on here or there. I like to freeverse sometimes.
  • No, I don't fear death itself. I just fear how I'm going to get there!
  • its inevitable...just let nature do its work
  • I don't fear death, I fear the way in which I will die, or that I won't have enough time to achieve everything I want to.
  • I think it's impossible not to fear death. I dont spend my time worrying about it, however, Id rather postphone it till much, much later!! I accept that it's got to happen to us all so I try and see things like, Ok, I have one life, one chance I better live it up and make the most of it.
  • I'm nervous about the mystery of death and I'm not a fan of great pain, but I consider death an inevitable part of life. I don't think it's a bad thing or something to be put off. It's a natural progression toward something else. But I'm having a pretty good time down here and would like to make it last a while, all the same.
  • No I'm not afraid I just dont want to give up my life that i hve going on here and now.
  • not really i think it would suck cuz u would not be able to injoy mortal thing but it would be cool to see all my dead relitives. but i scard of how i am going to die. is dieing in ur sleep peaceful i hear drownding was.
  • I think most people are the unknown scares most people.
  • YES because my parents told me you turn into nothingness.. but now i know better that life energy is real because of i did alot of research and put it together myself (took 4eva) and energy cant be created OR DESTROYED so therefor ur eternal!
  • I am not afraid, when I was a kid I was like TOTALLY freaked out of dying because I thought the cause would always be a murder with blood and gross stuff, I find that when I die I will find out what everyone wants to know - WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DIE?
  • not in the least, dunno why, sh-t happens
  • Not really no, it sure would make things a whole lot simpiler. I wouldn't have to sit here and watch this world self destruct itself in its own moral decadence. There are things I'd like to do in life if God wills them.
  • It depends on what you mean by dying. If you mean the state of being dead, then I would not fear in the least. I am dead, and I wouldn't be thinking about it. I would simple not be anymore. You die and it is over. However, if you are talking about the process of dying, I would be scared. I would not want to die thinking about my regrets of things that I had done, or the things that I hadn't done or said, or of the feelings that I would leave other people with. Or dying in pain, or without any closure. I do not fear death. I only fear dying.
  • I not scared of death. I am a little nervous about meeting my maker though.
  • No, every journey must end sometime, what journey lays beyond death is a great mystery, the greatest of mankinds fascination. We are so eager to understand our world, we should also be eager to understand what is beyond it, I am in no hurry however and neither should you contemplate these things. Death will come for us in it's own sweet time, so enjoy your life as much as possible, in the end, it will be the last thing you will have to hold on to before everything goes black. Death is not painful for some, but in the throes of it, you will experience a state of euphoria, and pain you will not sense, you will not die in vain. As the nuerons that form your brain die off the synapses of your brain will fire off in rapid succession as they fight for their very lives to kickstart your body's oxygen supply, this happens for approximately fifteen to thirty minutes or more. During this time the synapses in your consious, subconsious, and supraconsious will fire off the dreams and memory's of your life, and it will literally flash before your eyes... before fading to black... forever. What is beyond that instance, is the great mystery.
  • No i am not. i don't want to die yet, because i feel that i am far to young, but i am not afraid because i would get to see my dead loved ones again.
  • No. I have experienced some amazing insights through meditation that helped me feel that there was nothing to be afraid of.
  • No. I don't think there really is a reason to be. No one knows what it's like, so how can we be afraid of an experience we have no prior description of? It's silly. It's also inevitable. There's no point in being afraid of something that you can't stop. It's a waste of time and energy and I refuse to take part in it.
  • No to be honest I think I will welcome it, but not rush it's coming! I hope I still have a purpose for being here, if not bring it on!

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