• If you have been given a problem like this to do in school, then surely you were also given a table with the conversion factors. So, all you need to do is look up the conversion factor and perform the correct operation. You can usually figure out the correct operation by looking at the factor. Let's take converting from inches to centimeters for example: 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters So, for every inch you will have 2.54 centimeters. Therefore, in order to convert from inches to centimeters, you just multiply the number of inches by 2.54. To get from centimeters to inches, you divide by 2.54. Whenever you have on unit set a 1, you have to multiply by the number on the other side of the "=" to make the conversion TO those units and divide by that number to convert FROM those units. I hope this helps. Since this is the grade school section, I don't want to go in more detail because I don't want to totally as confuse you and the more detailed explanation of what to do just might confuse you.

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