• Sounds like an ingrown toenail. You can try to pry it out yourself and cut it, but it will hurt a lot and you'll find it's difficult to do without like, 3 hands. If you have medical insurance, just go see a dermatologist. He can fix it in like 2 seconds.
  • best to see a foot doc and let them fix it for ya. Ive had that prob for years and no home rememdys work. Not for me anyway.
  • you should definitely have it taken care of by a doctor. If you cut it too short you risk a fungus getting in and that will make matters worse.
  • i had the same problem. i had to get mine removed and my toe. was in total shock for weeks. i think you'll have to have the same done as well. good luck
  • You should go to a Podiatrist but you can first try and soak your foot and get everything soft.. then cut the nail out from under the skin. The best way to prevent further growth inward like that is to cut your nails straight across. I went to a Podiatrist and this was his advice and it was worked for me. Good luck.

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