• Leave it alone.
  • A cyst is a closed sac having a distinct membrane and developing abnormally in a cavity or structure of the body. Cysts may occur as a result of a developmental error in the embryo during pregnancy or they may be caused by infections. However, they sometimes arise spontaneously with no apparent cause. Cysts may often be dangerous as they may have negative effects on the nearby tissue. They may contain air, fluids, or semi-solid material. Cysts may also be a sack that encloses an organism during a dormant period, such as in the case of certain parasites. They protect the parasite from the churning acid of the stomach and once in the intestines, it breaks out. Cystic fibrosis is an example of a genetic disorder whereby cysts develop in lung tissue and release mucus into the lungs (see Alveoli) reducing lung capacity and causing persistent coughing. yes i suggest you leave it alone as your doctor said .
  • how much that?
  • Go to another doctor and get an additional opinion. If you do not trust the opinion of one doctor you should go to another one. Try a dermatologist, they should have studied what their specialty is. A regular doctor will sometimes pretend to know what he's talking about and will say don't worry when you likely should so he doesn't look bad by worrying when there is no reason to.
  • Take an exacto blade and slice it open. Seriously...if you have the will to have tried...i had a subacious cyst i took a pair of pliers to and exactoed bladed it...left a little scar but i felt good about getting that bugger. Hell yeah it hurt...if you can perform surgery on've mastered the inner fear.

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