• In spite of unpromising beginnings as a tiny cult, Christianity was enormously popular by the fourth century AD. What were the more important a. historical, b. political, c. situation or conditions of the times d. psychological, e. religious reasons for Christianity's success? Evaluate. This is the complete question. I am a tutor who helps students with their courses/assignments. My students typically learn from a distance mode. So, help me with ideas and/or links... Thank you for your help Love and Reason Heartwalker
  • Why did Christianity succeed? The Great Appeal What did Christianity offer its believers that made it worth social estrangement, hostility from neighbors, and possible persecution? Helmut Koester: John H. Morison Professor of New Testament Studies and Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History Harvard Divinity School A NEW COMMUNITY Why was the Christian community something that people wanted to join? I think that only because at least certain parts of the early Christian mission were intent in creating new community, that only for that reason this movement was successful.

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