• The most you can do is express your concerns to him and explain that you are worried for him. But ultimately the decisions have to be his to make, sounds like he has a good friend to fall back on thought. :)
  • He will figure things out for himself in his own time.
  • Let him go with the flow. Hes probably on the rebound. Its happened to me and it doesnt work!! LOL! xx
  • Hes mistaking the lust he feels for this new girlfriend for love. In my opinion i dont think he is over his ex, so with this new person he has become attached so quickly to sort of get that loved feeling back. He may really like this girl but just tell him not to move to quickly and let things develope naturaly and hopefully this isnt just a way to patch up the whole his last relationship left.
  • its rebound love and if he dose'nt greave for his last girl fiend it wont work.

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