Basically a good rule of thumb is to compare the cost of your present to what it cost the couple to have you at the wedding. If they are paying around $50.00 a person for food, seats, and liquor then your gife should be around that. Now I don't know your price range but I can say two things. One you should see if they are registerd some where and you can pick something in your price range online. Also if you don't want to do that buy a really nice bottle of wine or champange and leave a card saying this is for your to use down the road for a celebration like a one year anniversary or the birth of your first child. That was actually the best gift I got. The sentimental value was priceless because we remembered the person years later but for the life of me I can't remember who got us the plates.
Check their registry...most couples register for various items in a wide range of costs. You could probably find something on their registry for 15-20 dollars.
Canister set.
Gift card for a restaurant
Bath Towels!
A vase is nice.
Something you have made yourself. If you are good at craft buy some craft materials and make a scrap book or a photo album or embroider a table cloth or some place mats.
How about a photo album? They will be sure to be taking lots of pictures.
A card with 10 or 20 dollars in it, A photo frame for there wedding pics or a book to put them in, if they are just staring on there own and house hold items that they may need, Gift card,
maybe some flowers
A picture frame (DO NOT GO TO THE DOLLAR TREE!) or something inexpensive on their gift registry.
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