• NEVER run electrical cords under rugs!! Bad Bad Bad!!
  • You don't want to cover a cord or outlet with a carpet/rug. The cord can overheat and there could be a spark at the outlet causing a fire. Cut a hole in the rug for the outlet.
  • I hate the thought of cutting a hole in the carpet- I assume that it is wall to wall and not an oriental and you don't ever plan to change the table arrangement without fixing the carpet? I hate the idea more of putting a wire under carpet....I don't like fires.
  • I take it that your area run is expendable. I would identify the location of the outlet precisely, cut a VERY small hole through which the lamp's power cord can be fed and plug it into the outlet. Presumably a table will obscure the location. Should you need to relocate the furniture, the small hole can easily be stitched closed.

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