• You need to have a talk with him about it. Tell him that you want to schedule some things for the two of you to do together and get them on the calendar. You also have to let the boys know that you will be away so there will be no hard feelings. You should try to approach it in a calm way and say that you miss him and want to spend some time alone together. Try to come up with some things that both of you like to do, even dinner and the movies is a start.
  • just of the top of my head it sounds like he's still married to the exe in every way that matters. like the show "Reba" he wants to eat his cake and have it to. you have made an effort to meet him half way by going with him, a real man would at least do the same. ask him to set aside Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the two of you. if he's neglecting you, you have to decide, are you going to put up with this? i don't suggest a divorce ultimatum either, just pack you bags and leave, let him come looking for you.
  • take him to a psych
  • When a man gets married, he needs to bond with his other half and plan his world around her. When you have kids, they should not disrupt that bond, but enhance it. In your case, your husband has forgotten this. You need to explain to him that if your marriage is going to survive, he needs to take time to spend it with you, doing things you enjoy doing. Otherwise, what is the sense in staying together. If he does not want to share time with you, then you might as well move out! I am not saying divorce, but you might as well live apart, so you can find peace.
  • Tell him how it makes you feel and see if he cares. You might say that you want him and his ex gets him more than you do. Of course, he'll say it's for the boys, but keep him on topic that it is you and him. The two of you need to make all of the decisions together as a couple, not him.

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