• Depending on how young. If you dont have a job or your still in school. then watching tv is always cheap. So is reading a book. If your in the rest of the group.... sex is always a good pick.
  • Library, Art museum, Stone skipping, bird watching, star gazing, painting (lots of fun) and craft, gardening, elevator riding (also fun, but it ticks the security guys off sometimes), getting lost and finding your way home (public transport).
  • Sex has always worked for me.
  • Shoot some pool. It's usually 50 cents a game and you don't always have to play it 'right'...come up with your own moves. Make "Stupid Pool" - or should I say Billiards (someone will correct me) Go rollerskating, can be average of $5-$10 (plus cost of skates if you're renting) and can be great fun.
  • Sex. Why do you think poor people have so many kids?
  • Museums, bowling, pool, pin-ball arcade for a few. Go to the park or zoo.
  • Hiking
  • Maybe a picnic down by your local river. A blanket on the ground and a few sandwiches, lemonade, and let the sunshine do the rest.
  • goin on walks i love em and it doesnt cost anythin
  • Go fly a kite, play some Wii (assuming you have one), go to the park, walk around, go on the swings, etc
  • A hike. I have never seen a place that doesn't have some wonderful hiking places. A walk around the local art galleries, especially the new artist ones. The displays are outstanding. Window shopping at the local tourist destination, such as "old town". Doing volunteer work at a "Habitat for Humanity" project, or a local pick up/clean up day, or a food bank. Visiting an old folks home and organizing bingo, or a children's ward at the hospital for a book reading, maybe in costume.
  • my spouse and i used to like to go fishing. once license purchased, its free. walks with companion pets. picnic at local park, then tour nature center (usually a donation). not a date, exactly. in last place we lived, we volunteered on saturday nights to cook at homeless shelter. everyone wants to have fun and not take that volunteer shift. It is fun to do, and you'd be surprised at the really wonderful people you can meet (honestly).
  • make food together at someone's house. watch a movie on the big screen instead of the theater. go to the beach or the park.
  • try hurman park or memroial parks tom bass park enjoy... Casey Chatterdragon

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