• It is not true they have no emotion, they have no empathy. They cannot feel any empathy for those they are hurting because that is their own deficiency. They do hate, they do fear, but they do not love people, they only move through life on animal instinct, feeding their needs off whoever is handy.
  • A soul is nothing more then an archaic human construction to describe the source of emotions and feelings during a time when it wasn't understood where these things came from. It's also necessary for the belief in an afterlife, which many religions profess there to be. So far there hasn't been one shred of scientific proof for the existence of a soul or some kind of "ghost in the machine." Quite the contrary actually. As we discover more about how the brain functions, we find more and more that the brain really is the source of all our thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc. No brain, no person. So I would have to say that no, I don't think their lack of emotion is due to their not having a soul. It's just how their brain is wired.
  • Scientists have found that the part of the brain that is activiated when emotion is felt in a human being is not activated at all in a psycopath. They have been able to observe this through certain types of image scans. They have tested on actual known psycopaths and normal people. They have also found that in the psycopaths that part of the brain was significantly smaller than that of the normal subjects.This finding shows us that they were who they are at birth. They have a mind and they know what they are doing is wrong. That is a conscience! Otherwise they would not try to hide what they have done. They choose to act on their immpulses, it is a self-driven need filling action.Yes they have a mind and it is driven by their soul but it happens to be damaged.
  • could be there is damage or defect to a particular part of the brain
  • Personally, I believe every baby born into this world has a soul, or spirit, to begin with. Psychopaths are persons with Anti-Social Personality Disorder (ASPD) Think of anti-social more in terms of "anti-society", as in criminal and unnacceptable behaviour, not like anti-talking and socializing. According to a research essay my friend wrote for school (he's a competent student) psychopaths tend to be sadistic. They lack empathy, and can't see and don't care how their actions effect other people. People to them are one of three things: useful, irrelevent, or in the way. Depending on their personal level of self-control, a psychopath may act constantly violent and criminal, or may hide their innappropriate desires in order to succeed in life. "It is estimated that approximately one percent of the general population are psychopaths." - Wikipedia article "The psychopath is defined by a continual seeking of instant gratification in criminal, sexual, or aggressive impulses." - Wikipedia article Because they don't care about other people, it's rare for them to actually have successful, deep relationships with other people. Here is a checklist used by psychologists when diagnosing psychopathy. Not all psychopaths will fulfill all these criteria, and when diagnosing, each criteria is given a value of how much it applies: 0, for not at all, 1 for somewhat, 2 for fully applicable. Factor1: "Aggressive narcissism" Glibness/superficial charm Grandiose sense of self-worth Pathological lying Cunning/manipulative Lack of remorse or guilt Shallow affect Callous/lack of empathy Failure to accept responsibility for own actions Promiscuous sexual behavior Factor2: "Socially deviant lifestyle" Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom Parasitic lifestyle Poor behavioral control Lack of realistic, long-term goals Impulsivity Irresponsibility Juvenile delinquency Early behavior problems Many short-term marital relationships Revocation of conditional release Traits not correlated with either factor Many short-term marital relationships Criminal versatility
  • I have a mind. So its not true.
  • if they didn't have a mind they would be a potato! simple as that.
  • They have emotions (often very high emotions). They just don't have any sympathy or empathy for anyone (which means no conscience). They do have minds (and often brilliant ones).
  • to sugest they have no mind or conscience is rediculous. in terms of a soul i guess you would have to define the word first. if you mean "what makes you, you" ( an answer i am getting sick of) then they do have a soul and it is that soul that makes them psycopaths. it seems to me you are trying to difrence your self from these people the same wway racists try to difrence them selfs from people of other ethnic backrounds by implying that they are in some way a difrent species to us. as a man of logic i am not going to rule out the possiblity of souls, however i would ask that people dont try to explain it to me as if their answer is fact and mine is bull'. but i would say your question is a sham, as i dont think they dont have emotions. for example. the clock tower shooter in texas. i forget his name. did he not kill is wife and mum first because he didnt want them to live to see what he was about to do. out of shame. that sounds like emotion to me and yet i dont think any one will despute the fact that he was psycotic. or if a psycopath, in your terms is any one who is recaiving psyco therapy then i would politly invite you to my house for us to share life stories and have a nice cup of tea so you can see we do infact have a soul " whatever you think one may be"
  • You might have this supposition backwards! ;-)
  • Everything or anything is possible to be done either for good or for evil. Love can be done in evil terms too- love gone sick- A person can love so much that whatever it does is control- healthy love is freedom to choose your own consequences with a conscious mind of taking full responsiblities- when that is understood- this kind of love we call God's Love- freedom to choose but consequences will be taken with full responsibility- such experiences are not controlling but teaching naturity. Hate is done also in two ways - healthy hate can save lives and desasters - such actions are mindfull of the consequences and taking full responsibility for it. Where else killers or destructive nature of persons with no responsibilities what so ever are not without conscience but have dull it with their own reasoning and philosophies. So its how the mind, soul and spirit reasons- a mind reasons no accountability to anyone or God, therefor he/she does what he/she feels it's right in their own eyes.
  • actuly pschopaths do have emotions, they just lack empathy for humans most times.
  • i think they dont have a conscience

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