• You don't, he does. He has to find a way to deal with her because they have a child involved and I am not sure how she causes you problems.
  • Let me just say.. good luck. My husband has been divorced for 10 years, and she is totally unstable. The happier we are, the more she needs to insert her misery into our lives. Her only vessel? Their son. So, you are going to just have to suck it up. You don't want to be the crazy step mom.. trust me. You can hate her and all her actions, but never EVER voice them in front of the child. 18 is the magic number, and I am patiently waiting until that day.....
  • Why do you need to deal with her? She is isn't your X, so she isn't your problem. Let your DH deal with her.
  • Any one who says this isn't your problem is 100% wrong and they obviously don't have any idea how stressful a crazy ex can be. I am in a simular situation with my husband and his ex. She will ruin you if you let her, and it's very hard to let it go, but the only advice I can give you, the only thing that has worked for me is to give it up to God. You need to keep loving and caring for the children, because they are the real victims, but everything that has to do with her is out of your hands. If you are a good person and mother, He (God) will take care of you. I know this is not an easy thing to follow, Today I am struggling greatly with it b/c she has filed a false harrasment charges against my husband. I have spent much of the day crying and looking for answers on how to deal with it. Replying to your question has reaffirmed to me the importance of letting go and letting God. I know this isn't a quick fix, which is what we would all like, and I also hope you you are not athiest :) But I know it is the truth. Good Luck, Hang in there!
  • How much do you love your partner? How much of this are you going to tolerate ? Contact Social Services and tell them what is going on.If she is being abusive to you go to a solicitor and file an injunction against her. She is only jealous-she will get hers don't worry!
  • As a child of divorce and a crazy bitch of a step mother, PLEASE DONT TAKE IT OUT ON THE KID!!! My dad's wife tried to come between my dad and I. While my dad accepted and loved her two kids she made my life hell and eventually drove me to move out of the house. PLEASE treat you step child kindly and have their best interests at heart. No matter how much of a crazy bitch the ex is.
  • I agree with Aly. You just have to suck it up. Plus, try to be as good a stepmother as you can. It will make all the difference to your stepchild and their father. Remember it's not the child's fault he/she has a crazy mom. A good relationship with your stepchild is worth all the craziness.
  • Nice real nice let's call the mother of his child names that is mature. You knew he had a child and guess what? They will always have some sort of a connection because of that child. They will have to co-parent. Your job is to sit back and let them be parents to their child and if you can not handle it "LEAVE">
  • The way to deal with it is not to deal with it. That's all you can do. If you deal with it, she will get what she's after. Unfortunately my husband's ex-wife is just awful and goes on "rants" every so often. They are usually aimed at me. Why? I don't know. I didn't meet my husband until 5 years after the marriage was over and I've never talked to her. But she attacks me most of the time. Maybe because my husband has learned to just ignore her, and she thinks she has a chance of me actually firing back. I don't. She wants that, she wants a reaction. She wants to cause problems with you. Why? Who knows. But, it will be something that is there, you do have to deal with it, so does your boyfriend, but you have to deal with it together. And that could be as simple as deciding not to deal with it. But he does need to understand that if it upsets you, he has to be there for you to express that. Its okay to talk about it with him or friends, but never let her know, or the kids. Just ignore her,that's the only way to combat it. Be the bigger person, ignore it. Keep your door open to the kids and be kind to them. Its not their fault. Show them that a life with you and your boyfriend is something they want to be a part of. Show them you are not a horrible person and prove their mother wrong. Kids need their dads just as much as their mothers and you can help create an environment for them where it is safe and loving, and a place they can come to and share in your life and they can share with you.
  • I was married to a man who had two little girls, the mother gave us custody thinking I would leave him, when I didn't she made our marriage a living hell, and now we are divorce.. good luck!!
  • Sometimes it's not that the ex is so crazy and cause so much drama, your boyfriend must not have closed that chapter correctly and there is a child involved? Take a close look at who you are with because you can very well end up another crazy ex. there are two sides to every story

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