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No, I hate when people do that. Some things cannot be changed, that being one of them.
Nah. I look decent for 37.
No way. I m 40 and proud of it. :)
cool question and no i dont-i like seeing the look on their face when i tell them how old i am-appears i am a fine wine and aging well---smile and enjoy the night
I am age agnostic. I prefer to be young in some circumstances and old in others, but leave it to others to judge. My age is not a big part of my identity.
No. Mostly because when complete strangers talk to me, they're usually men and I like to be clear "I'm too young for you, get away from me."
I'm really 17, so it depends on whether or not I'm more comfortable with the person thinking I'm a minor or over 18. I'm a big guy, so nobody doubts that I could be 18.
Not at all.
No but if it is to the good I wouldn't correct them. ;)
I try not to lie in general.
I may lie about my weight but not my age.
Pfft I always tell the truth, I'm 93 and proud of it!
I usually don't have a reason to tell a complete stranger my age out of the blue but then again I don't lie to people anyway. So if my age came up I'd tell them and I have in the past. Why not? I just don't think lying is ever a good idea.
Never. I have earned every single day of my life and will not deny any of them.
Depends..sometimes at the mall, but only because I've gotten better service that way
So many other answers are along the lines of no, I wouldn't, or yes, I would. Let me tell you a funny story. I went to the ice cream shop with my son, when he was about 4. I was 35 years old when I had my second child, and the medical term is "elderly" mother, so in this story, I'm 39. The clerk at the counter said to my son, here is your cone, and this one is for your Grandma. He said in a puzzled voice "Grandma isn't here, this is for Mom". The clerk was sooooo embarrassed. I thought it was funny.
No, I do not lie about my age, although most people I meet seem to assume that I'm in my mid-twenties...
No. Why would I?
I have come to be proud of how many years I have spent on this planet. I would never lie about it.
NO its the other way around. The convo is i tell my real age and they argue im lying about because i look 16.
I never lie about my age. I'll be 55 in March, and proud of having lived this long! Also proud of my wrinkles and silver hairs! I've earned every one of them.
no im usually honest! Im 25 an proud. when im 60 i may tell a lil white lie
No, there's no reason to lie about it- but people often think I'm lying about it. I look younger than I really am.
No, I actually look younger ( or so I have been told) than I am, but I would tell the truth regardless. I actually wished I looked a little older.
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