• 1) Written words at the beginning: "NIGHT IN ALICE'S ROOM. A little bit of moonlight coming in through the tiny window might make a highlight here and there but that's about all. Words begin to crawl across the screen: WRITTEN WORDS (crawl) Of good family, albeit one of modest means, she was a comely young woman and not without prospects. Therefore it was at once heartbreaking and astonishing to her mother that she would enter into marriage with William Munny, a known thief and murderer, a man of notoriously vicious and intemperate disposition. We can HEAR STRAWBERRY ALICE and DAVEY BUNTING breathing heavily and the bed creaking. WRITTEN WORDS (crawl) They were married in St. Louis in 1870 and they traveled North to Kansas where he engaged in farming and swine husbandry. Davey and Alice are picking up speed now, breathing faster and even snorting a little, and it's cold as Jesus in Nebraska in the winter so when the blanket slips, Alice snarls and gasps. ALICE The blanket, for chrissake, cowboy, the blanket. There are six of these little rooms... one for each whore... behind Greely's Beer Garden and Billiards and the walls are just boards so you can hear what's happening in the other rooms and right now, from DELILAH'S room, you can hear a high-pitched, merry little giggle and that's important. WRITTEN WORDS (crawl contd.) She bore him two children in the eight years of their marriage and when she died, it was not at his hands as her mother might have expected, but of smallpox. That was in 1878. DELILAH'S VOICE o.s. No, please.... No, no goddamn you. Alice and Davey have stopped fucking and started listening but they don't move. WRITTEN WORDS (Crawl cont'd) It wasn't until 1881... three yeats later... that a cowboy named Mike cut up a whore in Big Whiskey, Nebraska in the Niobrara River country. (end crawl)" 2) Written words at the end: "EXT. GRAVE - DAY The grave of Claudia under the trees and Munny walks up to it and maybe we hear music or maybe just the wind, but the words begin to crawl across the screen, supered. WRITTEN WORDS (crawl) They were married in St. Louis in 1B70 and they traveled North to Kansas where he engaged in farming and swine husbandry. She bore him two children in the eight years of their marriage and when she died, it was not at his hands as her mother might have expected, but of smallpox. VIEW ON MUNNY We are looking at him by now and there is nothing easy on his face, no big emotions, he is just looking at the grave. WRITTEN WORDS (crawl cont'd) Some years later, Mrs. Ansonia Feathers made the arduous journey to Hodgeman County to visit the last resting place of her only daughter. VIEW ON THE GRAVE We are looking at the stone now and the words continue. WRITTEN WORDS (crawl cont'd) William Munny had long since sold the place and disappeared with the children... some said to San Francisco where it was rumored he prospered as a dry goods merchant under a different name. CLOSE ON THE EYES OF WILLIAM MUNNY The eyes of the husband and the pig-farmer and the man who shot down five men in the Big Whiskey saloon. WRITTEN WORDS (crawl cont'd) And there was nothing on the stone to explain to Mrs. Feathers why her only daughter had married a known thief and murderer, a man of notoriously vicious and intemperate disposition. THE END" Source:

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