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  • I hate to be harsh, but how did you end up with two of his children if you don't know how he feels about you? I would certainly hope that he loves and respects you very much, given that you have carried and given birth to his children. If he has not expressed these feelings toward or about you, it is time to reevaluate your relationship. He should value you enough to let you know how he feels, and after two children, you should certainly feel the right to ask him directly. If he doesn't answer, or says NO, cut him loose and focus on your kids. Best of luck. :)
  • After 2 kids, and you still don't know. I'd say; time to move on.
  • Like many men, he probably doesn't know how to show or express his feelings -- the key is -- how would he react if you were in trouble, or threatened -- does he support you? If you want more positive communication from him, you might have to train him.
  • Love should never have to be questioned if it is truly there...get the point?
  • two children later and you are asking. the question indicates some sort of priority maladjustment. one child and not happens. the second child and still not is a clue ... heavy breathing does not equate to I love you.
  • If he paid your rent and kept himself out of prison that would be a start.
  • if you didnt know damn, how couldnt you see it! he loved you! but he's he loves his kids! he doesnt have time for your lieing ass games!
  • When a man is crazy in love, he'll want to spill. Based on my experience, he'll be so intoxicated by you that he'll want to share his feelings so that he can detox.Get it? When a man falls in love, he gets that "can't eat,can't sleep feeling". He thinks about the one he's in love with so much that it interferes with his daily thoughts. Without expressing the way he feels, he would be further prohibited to fulfill other simple day to day tasks such as performing on the job, or even taking care of his household duties. In order to free himself of this distraction, he is forced to spill. The bottom line is if he hasn't told you after having had both his kids, chances are he's not in love. Maybe with time it will happen, or maybe not. Who knows...only time.

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