• Place it over 100...i.e. .25 becomes 25 / 100 which reduces to 1/4.
  • Move the decimal two places to the right and place the number over 100... so... .19 = 19/100 and then reduce the number if possible to its lowest term.
  • Take the decimal: 0.1234 place it over 1 = 0.1234/1 multiply top and bottom by ten until both are integers: 1.234/10 12.34/100 123.4/1000 1234/10000 Now you can reduce the fraction to its lowest terms by dividig by factors common to top and bottom. I see a factor of two... 617/5000 the bottom only has factors which are multiples of 5 and 2, (in fact, it is 5*2*5*2*5*2*5), but the top doesn't have a factor of 5 or 2. So there can be no more factors.
  • change decimal to fraction 3 over 1 and 2 how do i do that
  • If suppose the decimal number is 23.45 you have to make it into fraction. see how many numbers are after the decimal it is 2. Hence divide the number by 100 & multiply the number by 100. If the numbers after the decimal is 3,divide the given number by 1000 & multiply by 1000 & so on so our number becomes 2345/100 469/20 by simplifying it.
  • 0.82+1.19
  • To turn a decimal (.20) into a fraction (1/5), you divide 100, by the decimal.
  • Count how many places behind the decimal point. That's how many 'zeros' (10, 100, 1000) you will have to divide it by. Then simplify. E.g. 0.25 (two places → 100) = 25/100 = 1/4 → 0.25 = 1/4

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