• Sounds like your screensaver kicked in...
  • someone finally hit the off switch.
  • Your power went out?
  • A solar eclipse
  • you closed your eyes?
  • It means you need to get an appointment with an eye doctor, unless you can explain why it happened - drugs, booze, asphyxiation.
  • Someone came up behind you and put their hands over your eyes.
  • My vision has never went totally black, but I have gotten tunnel vision when my blood pressure was too low.
  • You finally blinked! : )
  • It means you should see an Ophthalmologist.
  • TIA (Transient ischemic attack) :o)
  • Man, I dunno, but an older friend of mine said that happened to him when he had a stroke. I'm sure you're okay. You might just want to get checked out. I don't mean to alarm.
  • Either you've been smoking salvia, or you may have had a transient ischemic attack or mini stroke. you may have a small clot in that area of your brain or your blood pressure may have gotten so high it temporarily cut off blood to that area of your brain. probably the blood pressure which is not as dangerous but if it is that you'd better get on some meds, take your bp regularly, and ask your doctor about taking aspirin. I had this and I have terribly high pressure if off meds. Anyway, temporary changes in vision always require a doctor visit. Sometimes they want a CAT PET or MRI, and another cause of strange changes is brain tumor. good luck!!!!
  • btw I was answered about w/ my exp about blood pressure, transient ischemic attact, and CAT PET, MRI above, but I should add that this is my experience: one morning, i woke up and my vision was slightly blurry. i was at home but couldn't put my finger on where I was or that it was my house. My partner was leaving for work and when he said by I couldn't remember his name (we've been together 6 years). Anyway I discounted the other symptoms but went to an eye doctor for my vision. The changes were slight to my 20/20 vision, it was now 30/20. He asked if I noticed anything else of significance when this change occurred so I told him about that day. He sent me to the hospital and thought i was possibly having or had a mini stroke. i'm 33 & my bio mom died in her 50s of stroke.

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