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  • As for heroes in term of feats... Thor and Silver Surfer are the top 2. Who's number 1 is a toss up between the two. Marvel promoted Sentry as Most Powerful...equal to Surfer and Phoenix (as Rachel, Thor has defeated her). But he has yet to show feats to prove. Others along the line but not in order are Captain Mar-vell, Namor, Black Bolt, Hulk, Hercules.
  • I think Franklin Richards was once one of the most powe rful mutants on earth
  • One-Above-All. He is god in the marvel universe. Then it's The Living Tribunal, then its a tie between entities such as Galactus, Eternity and Death, and those who possess omega-level objects like the inifinity gauntlet and ultimate nullifier. Obviously characters like Sentry, Hulk, Phoenix, Dr. Strange, Franklin Richards and the Beyonder are powerful, but they all have their weaknesses; compared to the One-Above-All and Tribunal who have no weaknesses. They control everything.

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