• tell him he is the one you love and not the other guys.
  • I think you should get yourself a boyfriend who respects your right to be you :)
  • Well, what works ON me is! My wife would allways tell me about some sort of sad pathetic problem with the guys she had acquaintances with such as "his girlfriend told me she caught him peeking in on his mom in the shower!" This seemed to ease my mind cuz she naturally would be discusted by that fact as much as me! Of course I soon figured out her technique but I came to the conclusion that she must really care about me to come up with such bull #*&@!
  • Seems to me if you trust someone such things are none issues. So perhaps you and yours should discuss trust
  • It is very possible that he trusts you and not the guys. What should you do? Talk to him about it.
  • Tricky. You see, on the one hand, he is in the wrong. Jealousy is extremely destructive and controlling. You must never allow yourself to be controlled by another person (anyone) - you are entitled to talk to anybody you wish to and you do not need to ask for his blessing or permission. If you submit to him completely then, in the not too distant future, you will become aware that you never see anybody but him. The friends you once had, are no longer there because he didn't like them. This is dodgy ground indeed and you will have left yourself vulnerable. If and when you start to feel trapped and unhappy, there will be nobody to turn to - you will be emotionally dependent on him. This has potential for years of misery for you - he'll be happy with this but still jealous and ever more controlling. This kind of relationship is truly awful and so depressing and sometimes, it drags on for years. However, morally/ethically wrong his behaviour is, the reality is rather less 'cut and dried' (see next comment):
  • Date a MAN who is more confident in himself and in your love for him. Guys who are like your boyfriend are ALWAYS bad news. If you are really just chatting and not flirting then there should not be a problem. And I am a pretty jealous person!
  • If he can't handle you having guy friends, then he shouldn't date you.
  • maybe jealousy....depneds on a lot of things.... your past history with guys or that guys his past history with old girlfriend he KNOWS this guy and HIS past history mood swings botton line: talk to him about it
  • do you get jealous when he's with other girls? trust is a two way street. If he has rules like you cant see your friends while he can or vice versa then you shouldnt be together.
  • Well, I suppose you have some choices: 1.Accept the jealousy and carry on as you have been. 2.Stop talking to the boys and cater to boyfriend's jealousy. 3. Tell the boyfriend you will leave if he continues this way. 4. Just leave.
  • I believe that is human behavior for men and women, most of us have been hurt sometime or other, or have hurt someone before, the jealous feeling comes when you have deep feelings for someone. You need to talk to him about how you feel.
  • I feel that is normal for anyone in a relationship. I would get upset if my fiance were talking to girls and he did get upset when I was talking to guys. The difference is that he did not say he was jealous and held it in, which caused issues with his self esteem. At least your bf says how he feels and expresses it :) If you care for him then understand his feelings and talk with him about it. If you cherish your guy friends and don't want to lose them, then discuss this with your bf and if he doesn't like it or agree, then you both need to go sep ways.
  • Quit trying to make him jealous!
  • Stop talking to other guys! How would you like it if he stops being jealous of you and starts talking to other girls!!! Hes just a bit insecure and totally into you, and it sounds like you are putting him down big time!!! Good luck!!!

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