• he smells like chanel no 5, and heads straight for the shower
  • Found this... maybe this will help...
  • His mouth will be moving.
  • when he says "im working late" and you call his work and they havent seen him all week or there lip stick on his clothes (not yours) or if he calls you another name when you get phone calls late at night and when you pick all you get is a dial tone those are some of the obvious signs but im sure most guys are more sneeky
  • i just trust that he's not. actually i i would do some snooping if i thought HE was lying to me.
  • depends on what you think he's lying about. You can tell if he won't make eye contact, or if he fidgets around when talking to you, or if he constantly has excuses for why he didn't call/showed up late/whatever the suspected lie is. I've found that telling a guy "I would be less upset if you tell me the truth right off the bat, than if I find out you lied later on or from someone else" generally works. And sometimes, guys lie because they are afraid the honest truth will hurt your feelings, and that sometimes lying is them trying to protect your feelings. Like when answering questions like "does this dress make me look fat?"
  • Observation. If he lies about little things and you have caught it chances are he will lie about bigger things. If he tells the truth most of the time, you can trust him.

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