• You're supposed to separate into whites, lights, darks, colors & towels. I however only wash for myself and usually only have a few loads anyway so I tend to just separate into whites, reds, towels and everything else. I especially find it's important to separate out the towels or you'll get little lint balls all over your clothes.
  • I hand wash all new clothes. Sometimes I may hand wash reds several times before I machine wash them with older clothes because I don't want to get that magenta underwear. I don't separate anything and I haven't had any problems with colors bleeding.
  • no time for separation,it's the machine job to wash.
  • towels, handtowels, etc together, jeans and darks, lights with sheets etc.
  • Sometimes I wash separate, but most of the time I was together. Usually all I have is one load to do and the washing machine is huge.
  • I put really yucky dirty clothes together and light colored not so dirty things together and that's it. Sometimes I don't have any really dirty clothes so I wash all in one load.

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