• You might like to go to your local christian bookstore and get some information on Mormon beliefs, so you can talk with a little knowledge. You also need to be sure of what you believe. Then just pray to the Lord that He gives you opportunity to talk about things. Don't be afraid to say you don't know the answer to a question, that you will ask your pastor. And be genuinely interested in your friend as a whole. May the Lord bless you.
  • The worst way to know what a Mormon believes is to go to a Christian bookstore. The books you'll find there about Mormonism are full of gross distortion and lies; you will get an extremely distored picture of what your friend actually believes. If you want to know what we Mormons belive, ask a Mormon, or go to or Why are you concerned about your friend's eternal distiny -- don't you believe that the only requirement to be saved is to confess faith in Christ? You friend believes that Jesus Christs is their Lord and Savior, through whose grace all men may be saved. Why does his/her faith not count the same as any other Christian's, in your mind? Your friend IS a Christian, no matter what any ignorant person says. This is an excellent source for an overview of Mormon beliefs and answers to common myths and misconceptions:
  • Weirdo Please don't concern yourself with my eternal salvation. I know I believe in the biblical Jesus just the same as all other christian churches do. I don't need someone who gets their information from their pastors and books written by former members of the church who lie and decieve claiming they had an awakening and realized they were wrong when the truth is they are pissed at the Church for being justifyably excommunicated and they are looking to get back at the church for being kicked out by twisting what little truth is contained in those books around and making up a bunch of bull to fill up the rest of the pages telling me whether or not I am a true Christian. I am not the one that goes around tearing down everyone who doesn't agree with my beliefs down and calling them non christians. To borrow a quote I once heard that if I am not mistaken was attributed to Elder Bruce R McKonkie when asked about how he deals with those who would tear the church apart and call us non christians He responded I would rather be a Mormon Knowing I am going to hell than a christian not knowing where the hell it is I am going.
  • If you want to share your faith you have to go back to the living word THE BIBLE read it learn it then share it as the Holy Spirit moves you there must be a preparation of heart through prayer and fasting Satan has the most success disguised as an angel of light your task is not an easy one. Some effective truths of the bible are found over and over memorize Isaiah44:6 44:8 and 45:5 it is directly from gods lips and is repeated often .....I am the first and the last ...I am the lord and there is no other all throughout Isaiah .No Marriage in Heaven in Matthew 22:29 and Mark 12:25 directly from Jesus lips...Does God lie isn't God perfect..?Just a few truths to ponder without attacking them just sharing the truths God has given to us that refute the teachings they have been sold and indoctrinated with. You may be in over your head sometimes all we can do for people is lift them up to the lord in prayer donot be sucked into an ambush we donot throw our pearls to swine. In Jesus Love keep all your conversations in the tone of Jesus love even though you have righteous anger for their being led astray... :)
  • Just what is the eternal destiny of Mormons? Can you describe what it will be like for Mormons in Eternal Hell? What has God said that He will do to anybody who belongs to the Mormon faith? Can you describe heaven or hell, to tell me what I will be missing if I don't repent from being a Mormon? Up until 1976, it was legal to kill a Mormon in the State of Missouri. On October 27, 1838, Governor Lilbourn Boggs gave the infamous "extermination order". (See Governor Boggs made it a crime to be Mormon in the State of Missouri, punishible by death. Then Governor Christopher S. Bond rescinded the order on June 25, 1976, 137 years after being signed, extending his apologies for the suffering and misery of the early Mormons caused by the former leaders of the State Missouri. Of course the above is an extreme example, but it shows that you are not the first to misunderstand the Mormon religion and the eternal destiny of its members. What is it that the Mormon people are doing you feel will condemn them to an eternal punishment? Does requiring its members to fully live the Commandments of Jesus Christ, being baptized for the remission of sin, studying the scriptures, praying, taking upon themselves a covenant with God to live the Commandments in sacred ordinances in the temple qualify as reasons why we will be condemned? Does following a living prophet, such as the people of the Old and New Testament did, qualify as acts worthy of eternal condemnation? If it wasn't for living prophets in ancient days, we wouldn't have the Bible or have the Word of God. In fact, if people in the time of the Bible wanted to know the truth about God in Biblical Times, they didn't listen to the popular teachers of religion, whose only authority to speak in the name of God was because they read the scriptures. If the people wanted to know the truth about God, they listened to living prophets who were called by God. Maybe your preacher told you we, as Latter-Day-Saints, do terrible things which will condemn our souls. Have him describe those terrible things Mormons do that are worthy of condemnation. The example of Governor Boggs is an extreme example of individuals concerned about the eternal welfare of LDS people, but it shows how people are quick to misjudge Mormons, what we preach, what we practice, etc. At times, it is not God who condemns Mormons, but men. Perhaps in order to fully understand your feelings about the Mormon people, perhaps you should learn about the Church and see if what it teaches is worthy of eternal damnation. You cannot condemn what you do not know or understand. Many individuals try to tell me what the LDS Church teaches and practices which are not true. I don't know what to say to these individuals, other than they are a bunch of sorry, vindictive individuals, most of whom cannot live up to the teachings of the LDS Church. So they try to bring the Church and its members down to their level, by spreading lies and misconceptions. I am not trying to be sarcastic or condescending. Please understand that I understand your feelings. I would just like you to know just what it is we really believe. If you want to know more about what we know and practice, it is best to go to those who practice it and not rely on people looking in from the outside telling you what we believe.
  • How about you live your life the way you want to and believe what you want and let your mormon friend live their life the way they want to and believe what they want. They know what you believe in. That's enough. If they want to change their mind they'll do it themselves. They're human beings with rights not robots who you can make believe whatever you want.
  • You don have to go into that deep if you dont want to. Just be a friend and let your friendship cultivates into something both can appreciate and tolerate.
  • I know some wonderful people who happen to be devout Mormons...They never push religion at me...We just never discuss it.
  • Just go ahead and do it. Your friend won't mind. But be prepared for your friend to return the favor. - If you both have open minds you can discuss religion freely, and, if nothing else, come away better friends than before and understanding each other better than ever. - is an excelent resource to see what we believe (Yes, I'm a member too). (you wouldn't depend on an electrician to tell you how to do your plumbing would you?) The name of the church, by the way, is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints". We often refere to ourselves, mostly among ourselves, as Latter Day Saints (LDS), or just The Saints. Mormon is a nickname applied by enemies and refering to the Book of Mormon. Because it is in such common usage, we too use it, simply because it lets people connect us with what they know, or think they know of us. - I would be interested in hearing what causes you to feel concerned for your friends eternal destiny.
  • The biggest mistake made by mainline Christians when "witnessing" or testifying to a Mormon is to attack Mormonism. The minute you do that, they will get defensive about their faith, and maybe start attacking yours. Build on common beliefs, then go on to what your faith offers. Keep it positive. Avoid name-calling and mud-slinging. If you cite Scripture, share what the passage means to you personally.
  • My friend, it is you who should be concerned about your eternal destiny. You see, if you are right in what you believe, then we Latter Day Saints are right as well. But if we are right, then you have a huge problem. We have everything you have and then some, but you have hardly anything we have! Perhaps it would be to your advantage to find out what we have from a reliable source, before you try to offer what you have to your friends...whew4
  • Lemme turn the question around on you; You think THEY always have a reason to prove you worng about your faith...why do you want to testify to them? TO show them that you are right...and they are...wrong? . Look I like to rag on Mormons and all, but maybe all this religious proselytising should just end. It doesn't work, it polarizes people, and you all sound stupid to eachother, and to everyone else. Keep your superstitions to yourself, how about that?
  • You don't! They are nice people, on the surface, but they will not listen to you. You are a lost soul. You are in the wrong, wrongly guided, and do not know the truth. I know all this because I used to be a Mormon. They want to convert you because if you are not a Mormon, and you do not follow the Mormon way, you will go to HELL! Only by believing in their Jesus, not the christian Jesus, but their Jesus, can you go to heaven. You should be concerned but you will not be successful in converting them.
  • Tell him God wrote the bible correct the first time!
  • The Bible says "They were blinded for our sakes", and that "False prophets will go out into the world and deceive many." Isn't it interesting the mormons call their leaders "prophets" and they have actually went out into the world and deceived so many people. I can only imagine they were the "Potter's clay" made to believe all the (known) falsities of that church. The biggest lie (I beleive) in the world is that there are only 10 million or so mormons. Look around you, people, wherever you are and look at the percentages. What does that tell you.

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