• marking their territory with scent.
  • Because they are not allowed to use the toilet.
  • Because they're there. It's only the boy dogs. That testasterone thing. I think they want it for their own private calling card showing that they've been there.
  • They saw the sign posted: Fine for Peeing.
  • Because it's in their nature to mark their territory with urine. Normally, wild dogs would pee on trees, rocks, etc. to stake their territorial claim, but when there are none of those to be found, a fire hydrant will do just fine.
  • Dogs pee on everything..the fire hydrant just happens to be handy at that moment.
  • They want to let the other dogs know: "This is my fire hydrant!"
  • Because they look like Hillary.
  • As we all know, dogs urinate to "say Hi". Sort of like leaving a comment on myspace... In todays society it may be the only social interaction they have with other dogs. The reason dogs urinate on fire hydrants is this: They want to leave their urine on the HIGHEST point possible. The higher the urine, the bigger the dog... Obviously a great dane is going to be able to urinate higher than a weiner dog.. This gesture is like grafitti that says "I was here, and I'm a big bad dog...
  • territory pissings
  • Dogs do not seak out a hydrant to pee on as we humans seek out a washroom. It is because people generally walk their dogs on a side walk. Since fire hydrants are usually next to the sidewalk, it is the closest upright object availible to them. Once one dog pees on something, all the other dogs have to pee on it to. This is their way of saying, this is my walking path, not yours. So all you dog owners don't let your dog pee on a hydrant! A firefighter might have to use it to put out a fire! Would you want to touch that? Train your dog to pee on telephone poles, that's what they are for!
  • Dogs will relieve themselves on any vertical surface. The hydrant has just become iconic because it's a common urban object and likely more observed.

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