• Usually that the ring is the bf or gf's & its either to big or to small for them to wear so they don't want to lose it & place it around a chain on their neck. Its like a symbol of keeping them close when they away from them.
  • Another reason might be that they are no longer with the BF/GF or fiancee due to a loss. It might be inappropriate to continue to wear the ring on the finger, but again, it is special and the person wants to keep it close to their heart.
  • Maybe she's pregnant and can't get her rings on due to swelling in her hands.
  • Maybe is a fan of The Lord of the Rings ;)
  • The chain around my neck has a unicorn my son gave me and my mom's wedding ring..she passed away several years ago. :) Happy Saturday! :)
  • I wore my husband wedding ring on a chain for months after his motorcycle accident because his hands were too swollen to wear it, and the chain would have gotten in the way of the bandages and sling around his own neck. I think there are many reasons to wear rings on a chain, not a main or single reason.

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