• Yes it is possible. I do not know what anti-virus program you have, I will assume that they have a support center and have specialized removal programs for certain malicious software (Worms, viruses, mal-ware, adware, spyware, etc). However I think your best bet will be to use an online virus scan/virus cleaner. Provides a simple, easy to use free virus scan and remover. Yes they will offer you their software to own - you do NOT need to buy it. In red there are the words: Scan Now - Its Free - click on that and you will be ported to the scanning page. You will find that they scan for a lot of different things, its is all listed there. Recently they upgraded to now include foxfire as one of the used browsers. Folk are moving away from Explorer - The browser which is the window in which many explore the internet. They are using stable, safer browsers like firefox. Most likely you will want to scan over and over again. Do a deep full scan each time - this will take a while, have a book handy. Each time you scan it will locate mal-ware and will clean, remove or delete it. Scanning again and again until no more mal-ware comes up. Many programs try to "hide" from virus scans, they will have a hidden bit of data in a file and will spawn the virus once the virus is removed - rescanning will call attention to the anti-virus program and most likely will lead to its catching the software spawning mal-ware in the act. If there is no cleaning or removal solution via the scan, then you will be given options to remove the malware. Of course identifying the exact version of mal-ware will mean you can look it up on the web. IF the scan does not clean it then post a comment to me with the name of the virus found that can not be cleaned, that way when I come online later today or tomorrow I will see it and help you further.

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