• That is all it would be. In the bible it says that when you die ,you die and go to heaven or hell you dont come back. So any spirit you might see that looks like someone you know is not really that person.When I was young my mom said she saw my dead dad but i now know that it was not him. If you see a ghost you are seeing a demon. *** no the dead cannot talk to the living ,I never said that they could. I said that it is not really that person you think it is but a demon.
  • Absolutely. I have seen two demons. Right now, the spirit world is all around us, and even affecting us, but we are unable to see it naturally. Just turn to Jesus and follow His ways.
  • ufo's, ghosts, polterguists & such are claimed be demons or from satan... If you think about it UFO'S are either Government experiments or sometype of angelic illusion... Ghosts are supposed to be human souls wandering around places... To insinuate such an idea is to say God doesn't have as much power as Christians & Jews say... However in the Holy Bible one can find information about 1 of 2 possible places for the dead to rest in... Heaven OR Waiting for Gods JUdgement in the grave... Spirits are the same thing to me as ghosts...
  • It COULD be, but I don't think so. I don't think Satan exists as a literal being. I think it is far more likely that you have hallucinations, delusions, ate a bad bit of clam, or your brain has recieved stimuli that it doesn't know how to interpret in any other way...but that's just me. I think it is one hell of a leap in logic to go from, "I saw an unexplained orb-shaped light," to, "It is either Satan or His evil minions!"
  • No. To suggest so is offensive to those who believe in such things.
  • I think so. The Islamic faith also preaches that 'ghosts' per say don't exist. So, when we see 'ghosts' they are really either 'jinns', i.e. they were created as such and not the spirits of dead people, or demons. And, they can take any form, that is why we might be misled to believe that we are seeing the 'ghost' of a loved one.
  • I think drugs are the culprit.
  • No, Satan as the Christian culture calls it, is nothing but a myth.
  • The Bible says that Satan is the Father of Lies. Therefore, I believe, from the evidence of Scripture that demons DO impersonate the dead. Firstly because the Scriptures say that there is life and then there is judgment, but there is nothing in between. So if something is telling you that there is this in between existence, then it is lying.
  • Not necessarily. I am a Christian and have actually had a close encounter with beings from another world. I am sure that on another planet, aliens are thinking that we earthlings are demons because of the way we treat one another. Also, when early Christians first saw black Africans, they thought they must be demons. Fact is, God is the Creator, He is eternal, and he does not change. Knowing these three facts that can be backed up with scripture, we know that it is possible that God has been creating for an eternity, That means before he created our little world, He has created an infinite number of other worlds. Therefor, life exists beyond what we see and know. As far as ghosts are concerned, I have experienced several in my life. Jesus made reference to ghosts and did not deny their existence when he said, "See it is I and not a ghost. For a ghost has not flesh and blood as I have..."
  • Regarding a "ghost" or "spirit" Scripture and Christian Tradition are pretty clear that it is one of the following: (1) a delusion/hallucination, (2) something infernal, or (3) an actual visitation by one of the Saints in Glory or an actual angel. That's why the Bible says to "test the spirits". As for the alien/ET question, consider the words of C.S.Lewis in his book Perelandra: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The truth was that all I heard about [the Eldila] served to connect two things which one's mind tends to keep separate, and that connecting gave a sort of shock. We tend to think about non-human intelligences in two distinct categories which we label "scientific" and "supernatural" respectively. We think, in one mood, of Mr.Wells' Martians or his Selenites. In quite a different mood we let our minds loose on the possibility of angels, ghosts, fairies, and the like. But the very moment we are compelled to recognise a creature in either class as real the distinction begins to get blurred.... ...The distinction between natural and supernatural, in fact, broke down and when it had done so, one realized how great a comfort it had been -- how it had eased the burden of intolerable strangeness which the universe imposes on us, by dividing it into two halves and encouraging the mind never to think of both in the same context. What price we may have paid for this comfort in the way of false security and accepted confusion of thought is another matter." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, if you have a non-human but sentient creature that can be touched in some circumstances, but can also became no more solid than a hologram, and can pass through walls and solid objects, and even vanish altogether into some other dimension, who can communicate telepathically and move objects by shear thought, and has no discernible need for air, water, food, or sleep, can seemingly exist and function in any environment no matter how hot, cold, or toxic, and is seemingly immortal, would this be an angel (including fallen angels) or a space alien from a super-evolved race?
  • No, Satan is a myth.

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