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  • Trust..the ability to trust your partner and your partner's ability to trust you.
  • Devotion, truth, honesty, trust and integrity.
  • Good Communication.... funny, honest, caring... In the words of Billy Joel "i just want someone, that i can talk to".
  • Respect, for example treating me right.Having not had it in one relationship I feel it's very important.
  • It's a matter of trust, communication, and mutual respect for each other.
  • Trust, Respect and love
  • Two things actually are extremely important to me in a relationship. The first is trust. If I can't put my faith and trust in you totally and completely to not stray or do other hurtful things to me then why even bother getting involved. Secondly is unconditional love. What do I mean by that? Just what it says with exceptions of course. Those exceptions are physical or mental abuse, and addictions that are hurtful to the relationship such as alcohol drugs or pornography in which the person who is addicted refuses to make any attempts to change and at least try to stop the addictive behavior. What I hate to see is people who think they are inlove getting involved or even worse married then 10 years down the road one of the partners has gained some weight or they no longer put that extra special effort into looking good (with the exception of course of those who stop grooming bathing etc all together) or one partner no longer goes out of their way to do the little things that made them fall inlove in the first place like giviong flowers for no reason or leaving little love notes for their partner. These are not reasons to stop loving somebody and anyone who stops loving someone for any of those above mentioned reasons truly was never inlove with their partner to begin with. If you truly love your partner things like changes in physical appearance or the fact they no longer go out of their way to do the little things they did at the start to show they love you should not matter. Anyone who puts a high value on any of that stuff in a relationship is nothing but a sef centered selfish individual and they have no business being in a comitted relationship if they would let things like change in appearance or lack of constant attention on them stop them from loving someone.
  • love care and affection , and respect towards each other are the most important
  • apart from honesty, trust and love i want someone who will still be making me laugh in 50 years!!
  • I think honesty is the number one inportant thing in any relationship.
  • Communication!!!! Can't stress that enough!!
  • honest and open communication
  • feeling mutual love for each other..:)
  • intimacy, passion, and commitment..any time one or more of the three components go missing, the relationship is doomed.
  • Communication. In my relationship everything really important goes back to communication -whether it's the communication of thoughts and feelings, of changing priorities, of needs and desires ... if our communication is not open and honest, things fall apart slowly until they are so wrong and broken that the relationship needs a serious overhaul.
  • TRUST...I can't really explain it but for me,trust is everything..As long as she wants to trust me,everything will be OK
  • The other person.
  • Mutual respect and trust.
  • Love, trusy and beauty.
  • In this order. 1. Honesty 2. Chemistry. +
  • Trust, honor and respect.
  • Dependability
  • Trust. Everything in a relationship revolves around trust.
  • Independence in every aspect of the word. I feel there are two types of people when it comes to what kind of relationships they get into (and, more importantly, how often). There are halves and there are wholes. Halves feel that they just aren't the same unless they are dating someone (sometimes another half, sometimes a whole - though the whole typically ends that relationship or forces the half to end it sooner or later). I'm sure you know someone who always seems to go from one relationship immediately to another - this person feels like an emotional half; an open puzzle piece forever incomplete until they find the other piece that perfectly fits. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this - whether it's nature or nurture, I've never found a person who can change out of it no matter how many times they say they will and sooner or later they bounce into another relationship and find that person who completes them, so it will work out. Wholes are people who are independent or who feel complete on their own. These are the people who seem, to halves, to go on "dry spells" for supposedly long periods of time and then (I won't even say "date") coexist with another whole for a long period of time (their short relationships typically occur when they discover they are actually dating a half and start feeling that that person is, justifiably so, "too needy"). One might ask, "If the person is so complete, why do they need another whole in the first place?" And the answer is that they're still human. Love and a desire for companionship are human characteristics and it's nice to be with someone else every once in a while - they don't need to be with someone, but it's nice. A whole needs to be with someone, though, that is just as independent as he/she is. In my opinion, this is the reason for so many break-ups and divorces nowadays. People enter into something with another before finding out if that person is a half or a whole (if they are the opposite) or people don't know themselves enough and think that they are what they aren't. I find that all my friends that have long lasting relationships that continue to this day (and I have friends that are halves and friends that are wholes) are those who have found their other half or a fellow whole to be with.
  • respect. everything else revolves around it
  • Massages and flowers.
  • Unbridled animal sex.
  • A pulse. Dead people are boring.
  • Trusting each other and as having a relationship that's priceless.
  • Honesty, trust, understanding
  • Personally, I feel that finding a deeper connection with your significant other is a very important aspect of a relationship. While looks and other things can be icing on the cake, I think many would agree that having a partner that enjoys similar interests with you (movies, music, video games, art) is really rather enjoyable. You always have something to talk about :)
  • respect for one another
  • Trust, which therefore begets honesty.
  • Trust and understanding!
  • Honesty and love...on a 100%-100% basis. We've never done that 50-50 thing they talk about. With the honesty're totally responsibe. With the love just comes naturally. 36 great years! :-)
  • Trust and communication!!
  • trust and honesty.

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